It's just that the current situation is really not good.

At the front, there was a stalemate with the chairman. Han Ling, who he had clamored to destroy before, unexpectedly led an army of [-] to attack Shaanxi.

This really annoyed him immensely.

"Mr. Feng, this Han Ling came with an army of [-], don't underestimate him!"

Liu Yufen next to Feng Yuxiang is the current acting chairman of Shaanxi Province, and the only general in Feng Yuxiang's Thirteen Taibao who did not go to the front line to fight.

"Hmph! The [-] peasants who have just been pulled up! Yan Baichuan is afraid of him, Han Ling, but I am not!"

Feng Yuxiang has always implemented feudal patriarchal management methods in the Northwest Army.

Regarding Liu Yufen's words, he couldn't help but snorted coldly.

Although he said so, after thinking about it, he still said: "Order Liu Fengke's First Cavalry Division and Xi Yechi's Second Cavalry Division, Wang Hongen's Twenty-seventh Army, and Dong Zhentang's Thirty-sixth Division to return to Shaanxi immediately. .

Zheng Dazhang's First Cavalry Army was immediately transferred to Xiangyang, Hubei, and Wan Xuancai's [-]th Army immediately moved to Nanyang.

At the same time, we will temporarily switch from offense to defense, and wait for me to deal with Han Ling, the little bastard, before fighting Lao Jiang! "

Chapter 66: The Strength of the Pingyuan Army [[-]]

"Xiyun, we're going to fight again, I'll send someone to send you back to Sui later!"

In Han Ling's temporary camp in Shuozhou, Han Ling was talking while putting on his hat.

Behind him, Zhou Xiyun silently arranged the military uniform for him.

"OK, all right!"

Zhou Xiyun understood very well that he could act like a baby in some things, but he couldn't act recklessly in some things, otherwise he would fall out of favor very quickly.

Especially when she heard that there was a handsome fiancée in Guisui, she became even more cautious.

After Han Ling put on everything, he strode out in black military boots.

Outside, there were countless soldiers standing. These were Han Ling's guards.

All clone soldiers, they are an important force to ensure Han Ling's safety.

At a critical moment, each of them would block a bullet for Han Ling.

"Commander! The entire guard group has assembled! Please give instructions!"

Long Jun, the head of the guard group, stood in front of Han Ling and saluted.

Han Ling didn't speak, and stared silently at the iron-blooded Chinese character flag held by their team for two minutes.

The flag of the Iron-Blooded Han was changed by Han Ling a few days ago.

The flag of the Pingyuan Army was the bloody golden dragon flag.Later, after repeated consideration, Han Ling changed the Bloody Golden Dragon Banner to the Iron Blood Han Army Banner.

Iron-Blooded Han Army Banner, the entire flag is blood-red in color, and there is a big golden traditional Chinese character in the center.

That's why Han Ling called it the Banner of Iron-Blooded Han.

"set off!"

After watching for two minutes, Han Ling said loudly.

Then went to the distance.

Where there are countless army trucks.

It was naturally impossible for Han Ling and his guards to leave on foot.

For the sake of his own safety, Han Ling's guards were equipped with trucks and armored vehicles.

And he was riding in a modified armored vehicle.

As Han Ling boarded the armored vehicle, countless clone soldiers also boarded trucks and armored vehicles and began to rush towards Baode County.

When Han Ling was rushing towards Baode County, the Pingyuan Army in Baode County had already sorted out a temporary airport.

And the air force of the Pingyuan Army has also settled in, so don't ask where the pilots came from.

Clone soldiers enter the talent training base, it's a very simple matter!

The plane landed in Baode County, and the airship that was manufactured at the same time is now constantly transporting various logistics materials to Baode County.

Although the cars on the ground are constantly being transported.

But how can the speed of a car catch up with the speed of an airship?

So everything about this airship can be said to be very heavy!

On July [-], [-], Han Ling arrived in Baode County.

"Welcome, Commander!"

Outside the city of Baode County, several division commanders, the chief of staff and a group of people greeted Han Ling here.

"Okay! Stop talking nonsense, let's advance into the city!"

Han Ling waved his hand and led the others into the city.

Baode County Pingyuan Army Temporary Headquarters!

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