
Yasiqi glanced at the front and said.

This position was chosen by them before!

Before they went to Lao Yan, Han Ling and Ya Siqi wandered around these places.

And they are now located on the mountain north of Bashi Village, west of Tumote Left Banner.

"Put down the machines! Now I will show you how to use these machines, and then you will start to do it yourself!"

The use of these machines is not difficult, it was very simple, Han Ling went down the mountain with Ya Siqi after teaching them.

In the following days, Han Ling began to recruit people continuously.

At the beginning, Han Bin did not send all the mined resources to the spaceship at one time, but part of them at one time.

After all, the resources brought back by those workers every day will be put into the warehouse.

If every time I come back to see it is empty, this is nonsense!

So at the beginning, Han Ling only sent a part.

After a week, the information library on the spacecraft has been unlocked to the second level.

There is no need to unlock the first level, the key is the second level.

After the second level is unlocked, the cloning technology will come out.

You can use the machines on the spaceship to start synthesizing clones.

After the clones came out, there was also the first base—the weapon manufacturing base.

This kind of base is to drill directly into the mountainside, absorb mineral resources, build industrial machines, and then carry out production.

But when Han Ling got the weapon manufacturing base, he realized that this thing actually has a level.

Now his lowest level is level one.

At the first level, only manual rifles, pistols, light machine guns, grenades, and bullets can be produced.

But these are exactly what Han Lingzheng lacked, so he threw the base into a mountainside and let him produce it himself, and he can control these things through the control room of the spaceship.

And a number of clones were also sent to the earth by Han Ling.

What Han Ling told the workers was that they were recruited by themselves.

As for why!

Of course, the mine guards were set up. After all, the past two years have not been peaceful, and it is reasonable to find some guards and homes.

However, the weapon manufacturing base has just begun to enter the mountainside, and no weapons and ammunition have been produced yet, so Han Ling can only synthesize some weapons from the spaceship for the clones to use.

These clones look similar to Huaxia people, and they are all [-] meters tall.

Looking at this height, it is the same as coming out of a mother's womb.

It's just that they look different!

If the appearance was the same again, Han Ling thought that if there were a thousand, ten thousand, two clones in the future, they were all the same, what would this be like?

Clones, so far Han Ling has more than [-] clones under his command.

The weapons they hold in their hands are all synthetic weapons.

As for Han Ling, he gave this synthetic weapon a name—Han 1931-style manual rifle, or 1931-style for short.

The pistol is the Han 1930 pistol.

There are also light machine guns.

The light machine gun was named Han 1931 light machine gun by Han Ling.

Type 1930, the barrel length is 1100 mm, the barrel length is 600 mm, and the rate of fire is 15 rounds per minute.The effective range is 800 meters.

The caliber is 798 mm, and the bomb feeding method is bomb feeding.

The 1930-type light machine gun has a theoretical rate of fire of 800 rounds per minute, and the actual rate of fire is about 798 rounds per minute. The caliber: [-] mm is the same as that of the rifle, which can reduce logistical pressure.The bomb feeding method adopts belt feeding or drum feeding.

If belt feed is used, each belt is [-] rounds.

The drums are used for bombs, and each drum is seventy-five rounds of bullets.

However, the ammunition belt is only better when fighting defensive battles or facing each other, while the drum feed is more suitable for charging.

To be honest, if he hadn't just started now, Han Ling would be very reluctant to use a manual rifle.He preferred to use an automatic rifle, and at the very least a semi-automatic rifle would do.

But it's just starting now, and logistics and so on still need to be considered.

After a period of time, more people were recruited, and the production capacity began to increase.

At that time it can be changed.

The most important thing now is to protect the safety of the mine.After all, it's about your own future.

In this era, it is not a peaceful era, it is full of chaos, it is better to have a power in your hand earlier.

What Han Ling didn't know was that someone was watching him right now.

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