"My lady treated me very well!"

"Cough Ke Siqi, have you arranged a room for Xi Yun?"

"It's been arranged! It's been arranged a long time ago! If not, where did she live before?"

Yasiqi rolled her eyes and said.

"En! Xiyun, go back to your room and rest for a while! Leave me alone, I'm not that delicate yet!"

"Yes! Master!"

After Zhou Xiyun left, Han Ling turned his head and said: "Let's go! Take me to see those bases! Then I can make a development plan for the army in the next step!"

Ya Siqi nodded, took out the aircraft and took Han Ling away quietly.

"This is our weapons manufacturing base in Baotou! The current production capacity has been fully stimulated! Every day, we are hurrying to produce. Most of the weapons and equipment of our troops come from here!"

Ya Siqi and Han Ling stood in an underground cave, where there were countless industrial machines, as well as countless robots.These robots are all self-contained in the weapon manufacturing base.

"I'm afraid the whole underground has been hollowed out!"

Han Ling couldn't help sighing a little as he looked over and couldn't see the underground space at the end of the cave.

These caves are all supported by countless iron pillars.

The iron pillars shining under the light, and the countless iron plates on the top represent the supporting structure of this weapon manufacturing base.

"Almost! The entire Baotou has almost been hollowed out. At present, various weapons and ammunition are produced here, as well as weapons and equipment such as aircraft, airships, and heavy artillery. Naturally, a large place must be hollowed out."

Ya Siqi was not surprised by these things.There are many kinds of things produced, so can the occupied space be small?

"Where is the industrial base in Tumed, what is the current production capacity?"

Seeing this base, Han Ling remembered the original industrial base.

"Where's production capacity is okay, and it is steadily increasing now! Currently, where can produce more than [-] manual rifles every day.

After the semi-automatic rifle was unlocked before, I thought about replacing the production line with a semi-automatic rifle production line, but these recruits are currently in urgent need of weapons and equipment, so I haven't had time to replace them.

But it can be replaced in another week! "

Yasiqi doesn't care about government affairs or military affairs. She is mainly in charge of the development of these various bases now.

After all, Han Ling's energy alone is limited, and he has government affairs and military affairs, so he doesn't have much energy to manage these bases!

"En! If this is the case, then replace it after a while! Let's go, let's go to the talent training base!"

Talent training base!After being promoted to level two, no one can tell that this is an alien base.

Anyone who sees the current state here will think that this is a very large military academy.

When the talent training base was at the first level, it was still very small, and there were only a few buildings.

But now, it's huge.

The talent training base is located in the north of Tumed Left Banner.

It consists of two major areas. The first area is the area where cloned soldiers are cultivated. This area is currently a military restricted area, and no one else can enter except for cloned soldiers.Of course, except for Han Ling and Yasiqi.

The second area is where human talents are cultivated.

There is nothing to say about the place where clone soldiers are trained. It is mainly a memory implant control room.They are all the same, there are almost no repetitions, the only difference, I am afraid there is only one restaurant.

But the place where human talents are cultivated is different.

There are classrooms, virtual classrooms, video play rooms, leisure centers, restaurants, and accommodation areas in this area.

The training area for human beings is different from that for human cloning. Human cloning is done very quickly, and it can be done in a day or two, so there is no need for accommodation, and the most is to set up a restaurant for a meal. [Clones have to eat too!Only highly intelligent robots don't eat! 】

The cultivation of human beings takes more time, usually between half a month and one person, and some take about one and a half months, but this is also the longest.

This entire talent training base covers an area of ​​about [-] mu, which can be said to be very huge.

At present, there are about [-] human talents trained here.

They are all four semesters.

The fastest can be done in half a month, and the slowest is one and a half months.

"Such a big place can recruit at least [-] to [-] people! Why are there only [-] people now?"

Han Ling frowned as he looked at some data of this talent training base.

"How can there be such a simple thing? Now the main training here is artillery, pilots and drivers.

The political talents you need, if you want to come in and receive training, the minimum condition must be to be able to read and write.

At present, the talent base has not opened up the training function of literacy.

And it is said that so many people are going to be recruited, but it is not so easy to recruit people at present!Many of the people here are still human soldiers recruited by ourselves, and then sent in! "

Yasiqi rolled her eyes and said.

"Well! There is no rush! I will issue a recruitment order through the government later! It should be better by then. Let's go! Go see the energy conversion base!"

The energy conversion base, as I said before, is the things used to convert energy.

The energy conversion base is currently located between Guisui and Wuchuan counties. It is not one, but two bases.

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