But in terms of other firepower, the Pingyuan Army is too strong for the Jinsui Army.

The first is heavy artillery. The Jinsui Army also has [-]mm field artillery.The [-]mm howitzers are all Sibei products.

As for the artillery above [-] caliber!

That can only exist in legends.

As for fighters and bombers!

Ha ha!They have heard of it, as for themselves!Maybe you can dream at night when you dream.

The Air Force Special Mixed First Division in Han Ling's hands is a reinforced division.

Because of this month and twenty days, one hundred and sixty fighter jets and eighty dive bombers were produced.

Including the previous fighters and bombers, Han Ling had [-] fighters and [-] dive bombers in his hands.

Because these planes cannot form two air divisions.

And now my enemies don't have those of the Air Force.

Therefore, the combat unit of the Air Force, although it is a division.

But the unit that played was the Air Force Regiment or the Air Force Battalion.

One hundred and ninety fighters were divided into two air regiments and an air reinforcement battalion.

A hundred dive bombers are divided into a bombing brigade and a bombing squadron!

Yan Baichuan Mansion in Taiyuan, Shanxi

"Where are they now? Are all our troops brought back?"

Yan Baichuan was looking anxiously at his chief of staff, Gu Renfa, and asked.

Gu Renfa knew that Yan Baichuan was referring to the Pingyuan Army.

They have already arrived in Shuozhou, and it is estimated that they will arrive in Xinzhou in a few days!Our current troops in Taiyuan and its surrounding areas, in addition to our newly trained soldiers and those who have returned, a total of [-] troops have returned, and [-] troops have not returned.

However, most of the [-] troops are artillery brigades and supply troops, and their speed is slower! "

Gu Renfa looked at Yan Baichuan and said.

Originally, the Jinsui Army had only [-] troops before, but Han Ling killed tens of thousands of them.

However, Yan Baichuan is hurrying up to recruit recruits for training during this time.

So now his troops have reached [-].

"There are [-] troops? That's good! That's good!"

Yan Baichuan said with a sigh of relief.

The [-] troops of the Pingyuan Army went south, which really surprised him.

But thinking that there are [-] troops by his side, he finally let go of that worry in his heart!

"Mr. Yan, I heard that the Pingyuan Army has an air force! We have to guard against it!"

Seeing Yan Baichuan heaved a sigh of relief, Gu Renfa couldn't help saying carefully.

"I know! But how long have they been developing, I'm afraid there are only a few planes! For such a battlefield, a few planes are useless. Don't we also have 22 planes?"

kindness!Yan Baichuan didn't know the strength of the Pingyuan Army's air force at all, he only knew that the Pingyuan Army had an air force, and he thought that the Pingyuan Army only had a few planes.

As for the planes of the Jinsui Army!

Let alone, all old biplanes.

And there are still a few that can't take off and can only watch.

As for the air combat ability, I am afraid that he will be beaten down by the fighter planes of the Pingyuan Army in the first round!

A few days later, Han Ling led six infantry divisions, one heavy artillery division, and one air force special mixed division to Xinzhou.

And here, all the warlords in Huaxia set their eyes on this place.

Because it is related to the ownership of Shanxi.

Hanling Province and Shanxi will all belong to the Pingyuan Army.

Han Ling is defeated!

Then his [-] troops will fall apart, and his weapons and equipment will also become Yan Baichuan's.

Chapter 83: Battle of Taiyuan [[-]]

On September [-], [-], Dayu Town, the temporary headquarters of Han Ling's underground bunker!

"Everyone! Now our [-] troops have all gathered in Dayu Town, and now the Jinsui Army has also accumulated [-] troops here, trying to block us here. Do you have a good attack plan?"

Han Ling stood in the first place, behind him was a huge map of Shanxi.

Dayu Town, this place is very important, it can be said that it is the main throat from Xinzhou to Taiyuan.

Because of the terrain here, if the Pingyuan army wanted to go south, they had to open up the passage here.

In other words, it is necessary to defeat the [-] Jinsui troops here.

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