"What did you say? The Pingyuan army defeated one of our troops? They are rushing towards Shenmu now? How many troops do they have? Why did our army of more than [-] people resist for two hours before being defeated? What's going on?"

Feng Yuxiang grabbed the staff officer's collar and shouted sharply.

"Their firepower is too powerful! Not only do they have heavy artillery, but they also have air force support!"

There was a tear in the staff officer's voice.

"Heavy artillery? Aircraft? Bastard!"

Feng Yuxiang immediately scolded the doctor angrily, but he didn't know who he was scolding.

"Quick! Send me another [-] troops from three armies to go up, and we must block the attack of the Pingyuan army!"

Feng Yuxiang looked at the staff officer and shouted sharply after walking a few times in his headquarters.


When the staff officer heard Feng Yuxiang's words, he ran out quickly.

"Commander! We just got the information that the Northwest Army has dispatched about [-] troops to defend Shenmu County. Our troops will not arrive in Shenmu County until this afternoon!"

Huang Kelin handed a telegram to Han Ling.

"Afternoon? Seventy thousand troops?"

Han Ling took the message and read it.

"Where did the First Infantry Division go? How are the enemy and our casualties now?"

Han Ling asked.

"The [-]st Infantry Division and the [-]rd Infantry Division have captured Xinmin Town and Tianjiazhai Town, and are currently heading towards Shenmu County.

As for the casualties of the enemy and our armies, the specific casualties of our army are not clear at present, but they are not very high.

There should be no more than two thousand people!As for the number of enemy casualties!

Now I feel that according to the statistics of various troops, the number of casualties of the Northwest Army should be around [-] to [-]!

But we don't know the exact number yet! "

Huang Kelin said.

"[-] to [-]? In other words, the force that Feng Yuxiang can use now is around [-] to [-]?"

"Well! The general number is almost like this!"

"If this is the case, it means that all the essence of the Northwest Army is around Shenmu County.

Pass my order, from now on, each army will take turns to attack, and we must use the fastest speed to take down the Northwest Army! "

Han Ling knew that now that the Northwest Army was flanked by him, there was no good news on both fronts.

Under such circumstances, the Northwest Army has shown a tendency to be defeated.

If the chairman and the Northeast Army send troops into the country at this time to seize the territory, it will not be good news for themselves.

Han Ling didn't want this kind of peach picking by others to happen.


Following Han Ling's order, the Pingyuan Army's attack became more violent.

The dive bombers are also taking off constantly, and the shells fired by the artillery are more chatty.

Under such circumstances, the Northwest Army could not lift its head under pressure.

Time passed day by day, October [-], [-].

After several days of hard work, the Pingyuan Army wiped out nearly [-] Northwest Army, and surrounded Feng Yuxiang in Shenmu County.

By now, any discerning person in Huaxia knows.

The Northwest Army, like the Jinsui Army, has come to an end.

The Northwest Army, which once clamored to destroy Han Ling, had come to an end now.

It was at this time that the chairman of the general committee suddenly sent troops to Hubei, Henan, Shandong and other places. The purpose was obvious, to seize the fruits of victory.

The chairman believes that the Northwest Army has been defeated, and the defeat has been complete.

The [-] army has been eaten up by nearly [-] in just a week or so.

It's time for him to come out and pick peaches.

At the same time, the young marshal of the Northeast Army also announced in a high-profile manner that in order to quell the war in the pass, he would also enter the pass.

Then Shaoshuai Zhang mobilized [-] troops and began to enter the customs with a high profile, and his first goal was to take Rehe, and then marched all the way west.

Rehe, Chahar, and Peking were all captured by the Northeast Army.

"Very good! Very good! The Northeast Army, the Central Army! If you want to take advantage of the fire, you have to see who it is! Immediately send me an order to order the first, second, and third infantry divisions to be drawn from the battlefield in Shenmu County immediately, and go east immediately. Come on, go to Baoding! Take Hebei and wait for my order!

In addition, the sixth and seventh infantry divisions immediately went south to Xi'an, and the tenth division in Shanxi also immediately went south to Yuncheng!Get ready to fight against the Central Army!

Then send a report to Feng Yuxiang in Shenmu County and ask him to surrender immediately, otherwise I don't mind bombarding the city heavily! "


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