It seems that Yan Baichuan is preparing for the next expansion of the artillery force, and now it is cheaper than Han Ling.

The three infantry divisions that were reorganized were awarded the titles of the [-]th, [-]th, and [-]th Infantry Divisions by Han Ling respectively.

These three infantry divisions were then transferred to Yulin and Xi'an by Han Ling.

In addition to these, Han Ling also distributed the more than [-] semi-automatic rifles produced during this period to the sixth and seventh infantry divisions.

All their equipment was replaced with semi-automatic rifles before the battle to increase their combat effectiveness, and at the same time to enhance the firepower of the troops, hoping that they can exert greater strength in the next battle.

October [-], [-].

The chairman's [-] troops have all arrived at the designated location, and all kinds of logistics materials have basically arrived.

The same goes for the Northeast Army.

Han Ling's logistics supplies have been prepared long ago. As for whose logistics is the fastest, who can compare with the Pingyuan Army in China now?

Twenty-eight airships, that's not vegetarian.

Even if you use a train, you can't compare with an airship.

The Pingyuan Army not only has its logistics ready, but even all the troops have arrived at the designated positions.

There are now thirteen infantry divisions in the Pingyuan Army.

The first and second infantry divisions are in Baoding, the third and eighth infantry divisions are in Cangzhou, and the ninth and eleventh infantry divisions are in Shijiazhuang.

The [-]th and [-]th Infantry Divisions are in Jincheng, the [-]th and [-]th Infantry Divisions are in Xi'an, the [-]th and [-]th Infantry Divisions are in Yuncheng, and the [-]th Infantry Divisions are in Qingyang City, Shaanxi Province, where they are guarding against the Majia Army in the northwest.

Although there are only about [-] people in the Ma's army, they are all cavalry, so it is impossible to take precautions to prevent them from sneaking into the rear of the Pingyuan army.

The First Heavy Artillery Division was in Jincheng, and they followed the Fourth and Fifth Divisions.

The heavy artillery special mixed division followed Han Ling north to Baoding.

The first division of the special mixed air force also followed Han Ling north to Baoding, and the second division was in Jincheng.

Because the second division is not fully equipped, let him provide air cover for the fourth and fifth divisions!

The Northeast Army not only has heavy artillery, but also has an air force of more than [-] aircraft.

Therefore, it is necessary to go north with a fully prepared special mixed division.

Although the planes of the Northeast Army are old-fashioned biplanes, the Pingyuan Army still poses a threat to the ground troops if they don't transfer their planes to kill them.

"Who will explain the current situation to me now?"

Han Ling arrived at Baoding directly, not staying behind.Han Ling asked as he looked at Liu Klonn, Commander of the First Infantry Division, and Huang Ke, Commander of the Second Infantry Division, standing in front of him.

"Look, handsome!"

Liu Klon stood up, picked up the baton and began to explain to Han Ling.

"The Northeast Army has [-] troops entering the customs, including [-] infantry brigades, five artillery regiments, and two cavalry brigades.

The number of each of their infantry brigades is about [-] people.

And their troops are now mainly stationed in Beiping and Hebei.

According to our intelligence, they don’t have many troops stationed in Chahar and other areas, and only one infantry brigade is stationed in Chahar.”

Where Liu Klon was talking, Han Ling was listening.

Since the establishment of the Northeast Army changed its flag, they have changed to the establishment of brigades.

Each brigade has three infantry regiments under its jurisdiction. To put it bluntly, it is actually the size of a division.

"Now our face-to-face enemy has five infantry brigades and two artillery regiments, and their air force has not been found yet!"

After Liu Klon finished speaking, Han Ling also sat down slowly.

Silently lit a cigarette and smoked.

"Five infantry brigades? How many reserves are behind them?"

Han Ling asked after taking a deep breath.

Chapter 99: Across North China [[-]]

"According to the information we have obtained, the Northeast Army has four infantry brigades in Beiping, three infantry brigades in Tianjin and Langfang, and one infantry brigade in Zhuozhou. The remaining three artillery regiments are all on the front line of Beiping and Langfang .”

Liu Klon looked at Han Ling and said.

"Four infantry brigades in Beiping? Three infantry brigades in Tianjin and Langfang? One infantry brigade in Zhuozhou?"

As Han Ling spoke, his eyes moved across the map.

"Hehe! Interesting! The Northeast Army didn't take us seriously!"

A slight smile appeared on Han Ling's face.

The place where the Northeast Army and the Pingyuan Army are now facing each other is Rongcheng County in Baoding.

The Northeast Army has deployed five infantry brigades here, while Zhuozhou behind him has only one infantry brigade. Is the Northeast Army really so arrogant?

Deploying the main force on the line from Beiping to Tianjin is obviously occupying territory, as if fearing that the chairman will grab his territory.

"Since the Northeast Army didn't take us seriously, then we took the opportunity to eat them! Look at how arrogant this arrogant Northeast Army is!"

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