As for the artillery of the Northeast Army!

Ha ha!As soon as they fired, the planes in the sky killed them.

The six infantry brigades that Shaoshuai Zhang placed high hopes on, with more than [-] people, were beaten like dogs in the face of the Pingyuan Army's attack.

The soldiers of the First Infantry Division stepped on the corpses of the soldiers of the Northeast Army and used the automatic firepower in their hands to fight the Northeast Army like a massacre.

This is a completely one-sided battle.

In the face of automatic firepower, manual rifles have fallen too far behind.

After a day of fighting, more than [-] Northeast Army soldiers were repelled for [-] miles.

At the same time, there were more than [-] people in the Northeast Army, and by the time night fell, there were less than [-].

In one afternoon, more than [-] of them were eaten by the Pingyuan Army.

At this time, in the temporary headquarters of the six infantry brigades of the Northeast Army!

"Have our casualties been counted?"

He Zhuguo, commander of the [-]rd Infantry Brigade, was walking around in his headquarters.

This time the six infantry brigades fought together, and Marshal Zhang appointed him as the frontline commander.

It turned out that they had just arrived, and they hadn't even built their positions, yet they were defeated by others. They retreated [-] miles in one afternoon before they stabilized the front line.

"According to the casualties counted by the various infantry brigades, we have a total of [-] killed and more than [-] casualties!"

The staff officer in the headquarters said cautiously.

"Such a large number of casualties? In one afternoon, we had more than [-] casualties?"

He Zhuguo's eyes widened.

Isn't the speed of this casualty too terrifying?

In just one afternoon, two infantry brigades were actually lost.

He Zhuguo was not reconciled, and brought more than [-] people here to make contributions. Who knew that he lost two infantry brigades just after he came here.

"Then what happened to our material loss?"

He Zhuguo asked again after walking around twice.

"Almost all the heavy weapons were left in Fangshan! Almost all the supplies were captured by the Pingyuan Army!"

The words of the staff officer made He Zhuguo feel desperate.

Almost all the heavy weapons were lost, and almost all the supplies were lost.

This battle is over!

"Pass my order, everyone retreats to Peiping! At the same time, send a report to the young commander!"

He Zhuguo felt ashamed.

They just arrived at the front line, and they were about to withdraw in such a desperate manner!

What's more, the supplies and supplies are gone, and the heavy weapons are gone!

Chapter 101: Across North China [[-]]

The Northeast Army has retreated!

For the first time, I retreated only half a day after encountering the enemy, which has never happened before.

The most frightening thing is the combat effectiveness of the Pingyuan Army.

In half a day, two infantry brigades of the Northeast Army were eaten up, forcing the Northeast Army to withdraw to Peiping.

While the First Infantry Division defeated the six infantry brigades of the Northeast Army, the Second Infantry Division was attacking Langfang.

Langfang is composed of three infantry brigades and an artillery regiment of the Northeast Army, with a strength of about [-].

Although the strength of the two sides is similar, but the actual strength!Know it the next day!

The next morning, when the First Infantry Division was advancing towards Beiping and the Third Infantry Division was advancing towards Tianjin.

The Second Infantry Division has already begun to attack.

After analyzing the current situation, Huang Ke, commander of the Second Infantry Division, believed that the weapons and equipment of the Northeast Army were good.

But their combat effectiveness is not strong, it can even be said to be low.

Therefore, although the number of enemies in front of him is about the same as his own, his combat power cannot be compared with his own.

So the next morning, under the order of Huang Ke, the Second Infantry Division launched an offensive with the heavy artillery regiment and the air force first, and then the infantry began to press close to attack the Northeast Army rashly.

And the Northeast Army did not lie, and immediately ordered its own artillery regiment to start fighting back.

It's just that before the artillery regiment of the Northeast Army fired a few shells, the air force of the Pingyuan Army came.

With the roar of death, they began to rush towards the artillery position of the Northeast Army.

"The enemy's artillery has stopped shelling! This shows that our air force has succeeded! Order the troops to start attacking! At the same time, order the heavy artillery regiment to extend artillery fire to cover the attack of the ground troops!"

Huang Ke put down the binoculars and said coldly.

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