
In fact, where is the remaining Northeast Army in Langfang, why do we need the four infantry divisions of the Pingyuan Army?

Just one second infantry division is enough for them to drink a pot.

On the second day, when the Ninth Infantry Division arrived in Langfang, the Second Infantry Division had already launched another attack on the remaining remnants of the Northeast Army.

"Da da da"

"boom boom"

The Maxim heavy machine guns on the Northeast Army's position kept ringing, but it didn't take long before the dive bombers dropped several aerial bombs on them. Amidst a burst of explosions, a heavy machine gun was blown into pieces. Scrap iron.

Soldiers of the Second Infantry Division launched an attack on the Northeast Army on the ground warmed by the bombs.

Last night, the remnants of the Northeast Army seized the time to repair the position, but how much can it be repaired in one night?

Under the bombardment of heavy artillery and dive bombers, the trenches were once again bombed into disrepute.

Finally, the Pingyuan Army rushed to their position, and rushed to the Northeast Army's position at a steady pace.

Equipped with good weapons and equipment, they did not resist desperately, but raised the weapons in their hands high above their heads.

It is not surprising that the Northeast Army did this.

Since the death of Marshal Zhang, the combat effectiveness of the original Feng Army was changed to the Northeast Army under the command of Shao Marshal Zhang, and its combat effectiveness has been declining rapidly.

Historically, during the Anti-Japanese War, the Northeast Army had good weapons and equipment, but their combat effectiveness was very low.

So now the Northeast Army raised its hands and surrendered, which is not surprising.

As night fell, Huang Ke walked where he fought during the day.

Here, soldiers of the Pingyuan Army are cleaning the battlefield.

In the distance, there were pairs of Northeast Army soldiers being escorted to the back.

The remnants of the Northeast Army here, after a day of fierce fighting, died and surrendered.

It can be said that the enemy in Langfang has been dealt with by the Second Infantry Division.

"Send a report to the commander! The Second Infantry Division lived up to everyone's expectations and successfully wiped out the enemies in Langfang on October [-], [-]. It is now cleaning up the battlefield and is expected to set off tomorrow morning and move closer to Peiping!"


Baoding, Han Ling headquarters!

"Commander! The Second Infantry Division has sent a telegram that they have successfully wiped out the Northeast Army in Langfang. They said that they will march towards Peiping tomorrow morning!"

Huang Kelin read the telegram sent by the Second Infantry Division.

"Successfully eliminated the Northeast Army in Langfang?"

Han Ling raised his eyebrows after hearing this, and then continued: "Send a report to the various troops below! Let them report the number of captured Northeast Army!"

Han Ling knew that the attack during this period was so smooth, and the speed of advancement was so fast.

The Northeast Army must have surrendered in large quantities, otherwise it would not be so fast.


After Huang Kelin answered, he looked at Han Ling. He knew that Han Ling must have more to say.

"Now the Northeast Army outside Beiping has been eaten by us.

Five infantry brigades in Rongcheng County were eaten up, and six infantry brigades appeared in Fangshan, two of which were eaten up.Now the three infantry brigades in Langfang have also been eaten by us.

In other words, the Northeast Army has been eaten by us ten infantry brigades, with a scale of about [-] people! "

Speaking of this, Han Ling sneered and said: "[-] people! Let me see how many [-] people there are in the Northeast Army!

You go and prepare, since we have eaten up the Northeast Army outside Beiping, then prepare to take Peiping down for me too.And our headquarters should also be transferred to Beiping!In this battle, I will personally command the troops to take Beiping! "


Sure enough, Han Ling still had something to say, and it was a big gesture.

On the afternoon of October [-], [-],

Han Ling finally moved the headquarters to an underground bunker outside Beiping City.

At the same time, the Pingyuan Army also gathered six infantry divisions, the First, Second, Third, Eighth, Ninth, and Eleventh Infantry Divisions, plus about [-] troops from the Heavy Artillery Division on the outskirts of Peiping. Surrounded Beiping City!

"Kelin! Send a telegram to Young Marshal Zhang! Ask him to surrender. If he doesn't surrender, I will launch an attack immediately! No mercy!"

Han Ling looked at the map in the headquarters for a while before waving to Huang Kelin.

Below the headquarters are a group of generals from the Pingyuan Army.

"Everyone, now that Beiping City is within sight, what do you think of the Northeast Army inside?"

After looking at the map for a while, Han Ling looked at the general below and said.

"Marshal! Damn you! The Northeast Army actually took advantage of the fire while we were fighting with the Northwest Army and them. Now is the time to pay the price!"

Yang Qing, the commander of the Ninth Infantry Division, did not say how hot-tempered he was, but he was by no means a kind person.

The behavior of the Northeast Army and the Central Army to take advantage of the fire made many old people in the Pingyuan Army very annoyed.

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