When Zhang Dashuai was there, he had already worked hard to modernize the Fengjun in the Northeast.

The land, sea and air are developing in an all-round way. At the same time, Marshal Zhang is not like other warlords who wantonly search the people to buy guns and ammunition from foreign forces.

However, he seems to have started to build an industrial base in the Northeast with a lot of money.

At the same time, it also began to focus on education.

Although Zhang Dashuai was born as a bandit leader, his vision is indeed very poisonous.

And the ability is also very strong.

such a pity!

This young marshal who smokes opium and whores is not very good.

Just as the Pingyuan Army and the Northeast Army were fighting in the city, more than a hundred planes suddenly flew over from the north.

But almost always biplanes, and they came with a buzzing roar.

They had just arrived, and when they were about to attack the follow-up troops of the Pingyuan Army, about one hundred and forty all-metal monoplane fighters suddenly jumped out of the clouds above the sky.

They are the Han 28 fighter jets equipped by the Pingyuan Army.

This kind of fighter jet was not considered a famous aircraft during World War II, and its performance was not bad, which belongs to the general situation.

But at this time, he is the title of No. [-] in the world, and he is a symbol of invincibility.

In this era of slow aircraft development, this kind of fighter was born out of nowhere and could sweep all fighters.

As soon as the fighter planes of the Pingyuan Army appeared, they immediately began to attack those biplanes.

The performance of these biplanes, though not bad at the moment.

The speed of about [-] per hour is okay at this time!

But facing the speed of 28 per hour of Type [-] fighter jets, they were not enough to watch at all.

Whether in speed, hovering ability, climb speed, dive speed or firepower.

Type 28 fighters can completely abuse them.

The most important thing is the quality of the pilot!

These clone pilots, their own qualities are world-class flying qualities!

How are the pilots of these Northeast Aviation Schools their opponents?

One after another, biplane fighters fell into the sky.

Many Northeast fighters were blown up in the air.

This was an air battle without the slightest suspense. The air force of the Northeast Army looked as immature as a baby in front of the First Special Mixed Division of the Air Force.

When this air battle is over, all that remains are the burning wreckage of the plane on the ground!

As night fell, the Pingyuan Army and the Northeast Army, which had been fighting for a day, spontaneously stopped fighting.

Both the Pingyuan Army and the Northeast Army began to count casualties on this day.

Beiping Fangshan, inside Han Ling's temporary underground headquarters!

"How about the casualties of each unit? Is there any casualty data for the Northeast Army?"

Han Ling sat in his seat, tapping the table with his index finger. In a corner, an orderly was guarding two meals. Needless to say, these belonged to Han Ling and Huang Kelin.It's just that Han Ling didn't have so much time to eat at this time.

Now he urgently needs the current situation of each unit.

"Today we fought for a day, and our army suffered about [-] casualties, and it's too late to count the exact number.

The weakness of the Northeast Army is beyond our expectations, and our advance speed is also very unexpected!Because the advancement is too fast, the specific data has not yet been fully counted!At present, there is only an approximate data!

As for the Northeast Army, we don't know yet.

Because the advance was too fast, we didn't even count our own. How could we have time to count the Northeast Army! "

At the last moment, Huang Kelin shook his head and said.

Han Ling nodded. Today's advance speed is indeed very fast, and it is true that there is not so much time to count these things.

"By the way! Did you deliver the supper for the soldiers? They have been fighting continuously during this time. Give them some fruit today to change their taste!"

Han Ling asked Yasiqi to deliver these fruits.It is also for the soldiers to change their tastes. During this period of time, which taste they have every day will annoy anyone.

"It's all delivered! I guess those fast ones have already been eaten!"

Huang Kelin looked at the time and said.

"Hehe! Kelin! Don't look at the time, you old boy. I know I'm tired of eating! Orderly, bring the food here! I'm hungry too!"

Han Ling couldn't help laughing when he saw Huang Kelin look at the time and then at the orderly next to him.


While Han Ling and Huang Kelin were having dinner, the young marshal was sitting quietly in his office.

A lamp was shining brightly there.

In front of the table is where Wang Yizhe is reporting the current situation to him.

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