He has become a veritable prodigal son. His father has worked hard for more than ten years, but in less than half a month, he was completely ruined by him.

Everything that used to be will become Han Ling's.

"Young Master!"

Seeing Shaoshuai Zhang's appearance, Wang Yizhe couldn't help but said a little bit unbearably.

"Don't say anything, I know what I'm doing! Maybe Han Ling is right, I'm really not suitable to be a commander, let alone a politician! Maybe these things should be kept away from me!"

At this moment, the young marshal seemed a little depressed. Although he had just turned 1901 years old, all that he had experienced forced him to do so. [Young Marshal Zhang was born in [-], now it is the end of October [-], it will be October soon! 】

"Commander! The Northeast Army has surrendered! Look, this is a telegram of surrender from the Northeast Army!"

Huang Kelin held a telegram in his hand, and he handed the telegram to Han Ling.

Han Ling looked at the telegram with a smile on his face.

Now that he has surrendered, the next thing will be much easier!

"Very good! Order the brothers to start disarming and surrendering the remaining soldiers of the Northeast Army! In addition, let some people start cleaning the battlefield. At the same time, count the losses of the residential buildings. Give me the statistics before noon tomorrow at the latest!"


The next morning, Han Ling got up early in the twilight.

Today, he is wearing an army uniform without any rank, and behind him is a blue cloak of the same color as the uniform.

Wearing a pair of black military boots.It looks like a commander in chief of the armed forces.

"Are you all ready?"

Han Ling was in his room looking at the mirror and doing the final tidying. Hearing the sound of the door opening, he couldn't help asking.

"Master! Everything is ready! I'm waiting for you!"

When Huang Kelin's voice sounded, Han Ling was a little surprised.

Turning around to look at Huang Kelin, he was wearing the uniform of a lieutenant general, with the same blue cloak behind him.

"Hehe! Kelin! Why are you here?"

Looking at Huang Kelin, Han Ling asked with a smile.

"Of course I'm here! Today is such an important day, so naturally I'm here to call our commander in person!"

Huang Kelin laughed.

"Hehe! Alright! Now that we're all ready, let's go! Don't make them wait too long! I also want to see the Forty-Nine City during this period!"

Han Ling straightened his collar again and said.

"to make!"

Under the city of Beiping, Young Marshal Zhang brought a group of staff and generals from his headquarters to wait for Han Ling outside the city this morning.

It seems that this young handsome is still very self-aware!

Know what to do.

"Young commander, why aren't they here yet?"

Wang Yizhe raised his wrist and looked at the watch on his wrist before asking.

"Don't worry! It will take a while for them to rush over, but I guess it should be soon!"

Young Marshal Zhang said lightly.

As soon as his words fell, a pair of troops wearing uniforms of the Pingyuan Army and military boots on their feet trotted over from a distance, stepping on a neat pace.

As soon as they ran over, they immediately formed a corridor.

They stood on both sides with blunt faces, and there was no other expression on their faces except bluntness.

These were members of Han Ling's guard group, all of them were clone soldiers, and they were the most loyal force in Han Ling's hands.

As these people stood still, the sound of cars roared in the ears of the young marshal and the others.

Then a group of cars began to appear in front of them, and these cars stopped two hundred meters in front of the young marshal.

Then a man who looked like a staff officer got out of the car, ran to an armored car and opened the door, and walked out of a man wearing a blue military uniform of the Pingyuan Army, without any military rank on his shoulders, and wearing a blue shirt behind him. young man in black cloak.

This young man is very young, he looks to be 21 years old, around 22 years old.

As soon as he got down, a group of soldiers in officer uniforms got out of the car behind him again.

They all surrounded the young man, seemingly respecting him.

Squinting his eyes, the young commander who watched all this knew that this was probably Han Ling, the commander of the Pingyuan Army.

To be honest, he knew some information about Han Ling before.

He knew that Han Ling was young, but it was one thing to read the documents, and another to see it with his own eyes.

"Really young and promising!"

When the young marshal saw Han Ling, he couldn't help saying in admiration.

It took a year to pull up a strong army, and defeated the Jinsui Army first, and then the Northwest Army.

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