This sentence is the most heartfelt sentence that the chairman, a politician, said.

It is also his most sincere sentence.

Yes, he is a politician.He wanted to destroy the Pingyuan Army, but he didn't want Huaxia to fall into the hands of the little devil.

"Just the little devil's trash can't defeat my Pingyuan army! Huaxia is not as bad as you imagined!"

Han Ling raised his head, with an indifferent smile on his face.

"Do it yourself!"

The chairman got up and walked slowly.

Han Ling didn't leave, but was eating slowly there.As if thinking about something.

After a while, Huang Kelin walked in.

"Big guy!"

"En! Is Generalissimo Jiang gone?"

"Not yet! Talk to Zhang Hanqing outside."

"Understood! Let them go! After all, Zhang Hanqing is still the chairman's sworn brother!"

"Hanqing! How are you doing over there?"

At this time, Zhang Hanqing and the chairman were walking on one side, and behind them were the chairman's guards.

"It's not bad! The Pingyuan Army is full of vigor! It's much better than my previous Northeast Army!"

Zhang Hanqing seemed to let go of something, and said casually.

"Hanqing! If I give you another chance, are you still willing to serve in the Nanjing government? Of course, I'm talking about the future!"

The chairperson seemed to be speaking casually.

But Zhang Hanqing understood what the Chairman meant.

If he invests in Nanjing, with his influence in the Northeast, I am afraid that Han Ling's control over the Northeast will become unstable!

"Forget it brother! I am also tired now! My father used to fight for this position, and he had to think about various things every day. After I took over everything from my father, I feel very tired every day.

During this period of time, life in Peiping was pretty good.Report to the headquarters every day.If you have time, you can also watch a play.Such a life is pretty good!I don't want to run around anymore! "

Zhang Hanqing said with a relaxed smile.

Zhang Hanqing appeared to be relaxed, but the Chairman was stunned.

Zhang Hanqing's title just now—Brother Yi!

This title is very interesting.

The chairman and Zhang Hanqing have sworn sworn brothers, so it is correct to call the chairman that way.

But the chairman wanted to win him over before!

Calling him this way, instead of addressing the chairman, told him very clearly that he would not go there.

From now on, he will only be regarded as his righteous brother!

"Hanqing! Is that why you like Han Ling so much?"

"No! I'm not optimistic about him. It's just that he has a more domineering spirit than my father!"

Zhang Hanqing said thoughtfully.

"It's up to you! Let's say goodbye this time, and I don't know when we will meet next time!"

The chairman said with some emotion.

"Hehe! I don't know! Maybe it will be soon, maybe it will be a long time, and we won't even have a chance to meet each other! Who can say for sure?"

Zhang Hanqing once again tactfully rejected the chairman's solicitation.

See you next time!The chairman is very euphemistic!

The next time they meet, either they will meet in battle, or one of them will be a prisoner!

Who knows who is the captive?

Chapter 116: Clouds of War

On November [-], [-], the day after Han Ling returned to Peiping, something terrible happened to the little devil.

That was the little devil's prime minister, Yuyuki Hamaguchi, who was attacked by gangsters on his way back to his home from the prime minister's mansion yesterday evening, and was assassinated to death.

What's interesting is that the gangster who attacked him killed him with the little devil's standard mortar.

When Han Ling got the news, he knew it.

The little devil's army couldn't bear it anymore, and they didn't even cover up the assassination of their prime minister.

Actually attacked directly with the army's mortars.

Is this something that ordinary terrorist organizations can own?This is obviously someone from their military department.

Yuyuki Hamaguchi also lived a few months less than in history.

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