Patriots from all over the country began to gather in Peiping.

Many patriotic young people began to join the Pingyuan Army.

And Han Ling also took this opportunity to absorb many talents.

And just when the Huaxia Provisional Government was shrouded in the cloud of war, Han Ling successively promulgated laws such as the "War Agreement Law" and "Price Adjustment Law During War".

Prepare for the coming of war.

November [-], [-].

The little devil's new prime minister Reijiro Wakatsuki came to power.

Historically, September [-] expanded because of him, and the little devil's army began to recover because of him.

It can be said that although this man is a politician, he is also a war criminal.

On November [-], [-], the Chinese Provisional Government handed over the document "Recovering the South Manchurian Railway" to the little devil.

In the document, the Huaxia dying government declared that the South Manchuria Railway was an important railway in Northeast China. For economic development and better management, the Huaxia Provisional Government decided to take back the South Manchuria Railway.

This action of the Provisional Government of China directly made the little devil speed up the pace of preparations, and at the same time, he was in a verbal war with the Provisional Government of China.

Chapter 117: Deploying troops and dispatching generals

The Chinese Provisional Government had a fierce verbal battle with the little devil.

The little devils claimed that they bought this section of the railway from the hands of the tsarist government. It is their property and must not be returned!

If you want the Nanman Railway, you can!

The Huaxia Provisional Government must pay [-] million U.S. dollars, otherwise the transfer will not be granted!

The little devil's remarks completely annoyed Han Ling.

While I was annoyed in my heart, I was hurrying up to make arrangements.

At the same time, Han Ling re-ordered the deployment of each infantry division.

Infantry 2801st, 2802nd, 2803rd, [-]th, [-]th, [-]th, [-]th, [-]th, [-]th, [-]th, [-]th, Heavy Artillery [-]st, [-]nd, Air Force [-]st, Bomber Brigade [-], The [-] Bombing Brigade and the [-] Bombing Brigade were immediately stationed in Fengtian and Jilin provinces.Reunited with the [-]th, [-]th, [-]th, and [-]th Infantry Divisions that were previously transferred to Fengtian and Jilin Provinces.

The Chinese Provisional Government immediately mobilized [-] troops to the North Korean frontiers in Fengtian and Jilin.

Naturally, such a large-scale troop mobilization cannot be concealed from the little devil.

However, Han Ling didn't want to hide it from the little devil, so he just put out the troops.

At the same time, after these transfers, the [-]th and [-]th Infantry Divisions went to Peiping to serve as garrison troops.

The two defense regiments that had previously returned to Sui, together with Han Ling's own guard regiment, were formed by Han Ling into a guard division of his own to protect his personal safety.

So far, Peiping can be said to have three infantry divisions.

In an emergency, the [-]th and [-]th Divisions can also be transferred northward for support.

The four infantry divisions, the [-]th Division, [-]th Division, [-]th Division, and [-]st Division, with a strength of about [-] troops, were placed in Shanxi, Henan, and Hubei by Han Ling.

The purpose is to prevent a surprise attack by the Nanjing government.

Although an armistice agreement has been signed, if you place your safety on a piece of illusory paper, then you are out of your mind.

At this time, Han Ling also took advantage of this wind to reorganize the former cavalry of the Northeast Army.

The seven cavalry brigades were reorganized by Han Ling into eight cavalry divisions and another independent cavalry regiment.

Each cavalry regiment has [-] men, and each cavalry division has three cavalry regiments with [-] men.

Eight cavalry divisions and one independent cavalry regiment.

The position of these eight cavalry divisions is now in the Northwest Territory.

They are distributed in Ningxia, Gansu, Qinghai and other regions.

The Ma family army in these areas has temporarily surrendered to Han Ling.

But Han Ling knew that these Ma Jiajun were just white-eyed wolves who might bite you at any time.

So Han Ling started to reorganize the Ma's army's less than [-] cavalry under the name of anti-Japanese.

A lot of officers were drawn from the eight cavalry divisions of the Pingyuan Army, and all the cavalry of the Majia Army were broken up and reorganized.

The officers of the Majiajun either did not comply with various regulations and were beaten down.

Or be promoted to a position with no power and no power.

Anyway, it's just one sentence, and the officers of the Ma's army must never use it.

As for whether they will resist!

Eight cavalry divisions and which cavalry regiment is no joke.

The [-] troops that Han Ling recruited in the provinces far exceeded his expectations.

By the time the recruitment stopped, [-] new recruits had been recruited!

It exceeded a full [-], but Han Ling didn't care.

More than [-] is more than [-]!

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