Let me just take one sentence: Change people if you don’t change your mind! "

Han Ling stood in front of them with a cold expression on his face.

It is impossible for you to talk to him about these old fritters.

They see you as young, which means they ignore your words.

Only by killing a few people to gain prestige can the best results be achieved.

"What I said today is valid both now and in the future! This time I recruited you into Beiping to report on your duties! Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning! Here!"

Han Ling stretched out his hand and pointed down: "It's here! It's still here tomorrow, and you report to me all the situations in the area under your jurisdiction during this period, whether it's economic, political, military or educational. I want accurate data! I want Real data, not fake stuff! I will send someone to investigate after your stuff is over. If it is true, maybe I can continue to work on it.

If you give me fake things, I will let him meet Tang Yulin! "

Second fire!This was Han Ling's second fire.

As the saying goes, there are three fires for a new official to take office!

The first fire has been lit just now, and this is the second fire, and after the second fire, there will be a third fire!


The high-ranking officers of the former Northeast Army have all left.

Just like what Han Ling said, it doesn't matter whether they were the chairman of the provincial government, the governor, or the commander of security.

When they got here, they had to start from scratch.Everything that was once will be reduced to smoke.

For some of them, they have become traitors in history, but now because of their own arrival.

It is no longer possible for the Northeast to fall into the hands of the little devil.

So the possibility of them becoming traitors is very small.

And Han Ling would look at them with his own eyes.

Historically, they had various experiences, which were all caused by different prospects.

Now that the outlook has changed, naturally we can no longer look at it with old eyes.

"Master! If you keep the fire going, these old fritters will have to be careful!"

Seeing that those people had left, Zhang Hanqing smiled.

In fact, he didn't catch a cold with many of the former Northeast Army's high-level officials.

Many people here don't take him seriously.

For example, Tang Yulin before, because he was an old man who followed his father, he always looked arrogant.

You can't get along with other people in the army.

Among them, Zhang Hanqing has the most favorable impression of Zhang Zuoxiang.

Because he inherited everything from his father back then, this photo can be said to have contributed a lot.

"Be careful? No! That's not enough! If I don't impress them, I'm not Han Ling!"

A sneer flashed across Han Ling's face.

Although the faces of these people looked cautious just now, Han Ling still noticed that some people's eyes flashed with displeasure.

For these people, Han Ling always found a reason to get them out.

It is said that nepotism is a bad behavior, and it is the performance of a dictator.

Don't be nepotism, do you want to give some of your important things to those who are not friendly to you, let them take their own things to join the enemy, or do some small tricks?

Calling cronyism is nothing more than jealousy!

Some literati always think highly of themselves, and don't look at their own weight!

"Marshal! Let's go! Feng Yong and the others are in another living room!"

Zhang Hanqing said with some tears and laughter.

To be honest, he couldn't learn Han Ling's boldness.

Even in many places, even his father can't compare.

"En! Let's go! I'll go see you two brothers too!"

Han Ling said with a smile.

Speaking of which, Feng Yong and Zhang Hanqing are also interesting.

The characters of both are Hanqing, and they were born in the same year.

Zhang Hanqing loved military affairs when he was a child, while Feng Yong hated military affairs and loved literature.

Although Feng Yong was also a general later, he inherited his father's things.

But then he started running a university.It can be said that he abandoned the army and followed the literature.

One article and one martial arts, really interesting.

reception hall

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