"The most amazing commander in China!"

"The youngest national leader in the world!"

Various cover headlines appeared on newspaper headlines.

Various voices of praise continued to fly to Peiping.

At the same time, many literati shouted in the newspapers - the shame of Jiawu has been reported!

And because Han Ling paid great attention to education, under the influence of Cai Yuanpei, Zhou Shuren, Fu Sinian, and Qian Jibo, a Taishan Beidou-level figure in the Chinese literary circle at this time.

At this time, those influential and talented writers and educators in the Chinese literary circle frantically poured into Beiping.

Beiping—a place of new development, the hope of China's rise in the future!

This is the title of these writers.

Han Ling's emphasis on education, his thirst for talent, and his practice of investing a lot of money in the education industry made them feel that the rise of Huaxia is imperative.

In Beiping at this time, under Han Ling's repeated rectification, the gloomy atmosphere in Beiping has disappeared.

What we ushered in was a vigorous atmosphere full of young people's passion.

There is a sense of prosperity everywhere.

And with the influx of these literati.

Beiping, a city full of historical and literary heritage, is once again full of vitality.

And Han Ling also took advantage of this upsurge and began to officially issue the National Order No. [-].

Under the rule of the provisional government of Huaxia, the formal popularization of education began.

At the same time, literacy classes were set up in various regions to popularize cultural education for the whole people.

At the same time, a large amount of Dayang began to be synthesized by Han Ling and distributed.

In order not to cause inflation, not to cause severe shocks to the economy.

While releasing a large amount of oceans, Han Ling also used the synthesis system of the spaceship to synthesize a large amount of various civilian supplies.

Put all these civilian supplies into the market to suppress economic inflation.

But Han Ling knew that these were not long-term solutions.

In order to completely stabilize the economy, the only way to achieve economic stability in the true sense is to vigorously increase productivity and make full use of land and various resources.

Therefore, various preferential policies have been introduced one after another to encourage those big landlords to transfer funds to industry.

In addition, a series of policies will be introduced to promote the development of industry.

And it was under such circumstances that Han Ling received a telegram from Liu Klonn.

"Marshal! Liu Klonn sent a telegram, and the situation in North Korea has fully stabilized!"

Zhang Hanqing handed a telegram to Han Ling.

"It has stabilized in an all-round way? Not bad!"

A smile appeared on Han Ling's face.

After a year of hard work, the Northeast was not lost, but the little devil lost North Korea.Let's see how you little devil can develop without gaining Northeast China and losing North Korea!

"That's right! The Spring Festival is only [-] days away?"

The Spring Festival in [-] was February [-]th, and now it is January [-]th.It seems that there are still twenty-two days left.

"Well! Yes! What's the matter?"

Zhang Hanqing asked with some doubts.

Chapter 147: New Year's Parade Plan

"En! You send an order to go down and prepare! Let them prepare and dispatch some elites from the [-]st to [-]th Infantry Division, the [-]st Heavy Artillery Division, the [-]st Air Division, and the field hospital from the [-]st Infantry Division. A grand military parade will be held before!"

After thinking for a long time, Han Ling looked up at Zhang Hanqing and said.

"A military parade?"

Zhang Hanqing looked a little strange.

"Yes! That's right! It's the military parade! Tell the troops below that the troops to be transferred must be elite, preferably the elite among the elite, especially those from the third, fourth, and fifth infantry divisions. Tell them that they must draw murderous spirits. The strongest soldiers. As for the specific time of the military parade, I will inform you later!"

After listening to Han Ling's words, Zhang Hanqing immediately understood.

Han Ling wanted to show off his force, and at the same time, he was also warning some people not to be hostile to the Chinese Provisional Government, otherwise the Chinese Provisional Government would not mind launching a war at any time and anywhere!

"Okay! I understand!"

Zhang Hanqing nodded.

"En! In addition, the Korean War is over. It's time for us to prepare for the reorganization. I decided to start a major and comprehensive reorganization of the entire army after the Spring Festival!"

"As soon as I go down for these things, I will ask them to come up with a plan for the order of reorganization!"

"Very good! If that's the case, then go down and prepare! I have to go over to handle some government affairs!"

Han Ling rubbed his forehead and said.

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