But to intimidate others, among the neat queue and the sky-high murderous aura, Han Ling chose the sky-high murderous aura.

These soldiers who had just walked off the battlefield all had the blood of the enemy on their hands.

And this time is also the time when their murderous intent is the strongest.

As for deliberately training the queue, now Han Ling thinks that it is unnecessary.

Time passed by slowly, and after Han Ling determined the time and place of the military parade, the whole of Beiping immediately became busy.

The time is February [-]th, and the place is outside the Chengtian Gate of the Forbidden City.

Before Chengtianmen, there was a huge square outside.

When it comes to Chengtianmen, many people may not know it.

But if you put it another way, you must know it.

This gate was previously known as Tiananmen.

The name Tiananmen was changed in 1651 by Fulin, the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

His original name was Chengtianmen.

Han Ling believed that since he inherited Han, he should use the title of Emperor Han instead of the title of wild boar skin.

So Han Ling changed his name to Chengtianmen again some time ago.

Four days passed quickly!

Although these four days are very busy, because of the preparations for the military parade, many people are busy and hope to double the time.

But the time is only so short after all, but it's okay.

Although the time was short, after the efforts of countless people, everything was finally arranged on February [-]st.

On February [-], there is a saying in China.

Dragon rises up on February [-]!

Han Ling wants to deter neighboring countries today.

Although the dragon looked up on the second day of February and was talking about the lunar calendar, this time Han Ling wanted to use a metaphor.

So I don't care about these.If we really wait another two and a half months, I'm afraid many accidents will happen.

Now that the One-Three Plan has just entered, it is a critical period!

Some ambitious people, for their own benefit, are afraid that they will take risks to provoke themselves.

This is by no means good news for the interim government of China, which has just entered into the first and third plans.

So for the sake of stable development in the future, Han Ling set the date of the military parade as today.

February [-], today is a good weather.

Yesterday afternoon, the heavy snow stopped.

God seems to know that the Huaxia Provisional Government will hold a military parade today.

The morning sun, which had not been seen for a long time, began to appear on the horizon.

The beautiful morning sun reflected on the white snow looks even more dazzling.

Early in the morning, many people came to Chengtianmen with brooms and began to clean the Imperial Square again.

That's right!It's Empire Square!

The square in front of Chengtian Gate was named Empire Square by Han Ling.His ambitions are evident.

At the beginning, those literati opposed Han Ling's naming and exposing his own ambitions.

But under the appeasement of people like Zhou Shuren, those literati gave up.

Zhou Shuren saw it very clearly.

Emperor and Republic.

It is said that they are two different political systems, but in China at this time.

Is there a difference?

It's just that the coats they wear are different!

Look at the Nanjing government, one chairman is above everyone else.

Inside the Nanjing government, apart from the real veterans, who else can oppose the chairman?

Who dares to do that?

Is it true that the Fuxing Society under the Chairman is a vegetarian? [The Fuxing Society, also known as the Blue Clothes Society, is the predecessor of the Military Command.Historically, it was reorganized into the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics of the Military Committee of the National Committee in [-], commonly known as the Military Command! 】

So Zhou Shuren and the others, who have experienced a lot and understood a lot, are not concerned about that kind of system.

It was a question of the attitude of the leader Han Ling.

Judging from the previous attitudes, although Han Ling is young, he has ambition and vigor.Has the determination to revitalize China.

There are also actions to revitalize China, which can be seen from the fact that he has invested a lot of money in education.

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