Among them, the chairman was the most shocked when he saw the heavy artillery of the Pingyuan Army.

He didn't expect the Pingyuan Army to have so many heavy artillery in such a short time.

The Chairman can assure you that this is definitely the tip of the iceberg of Pingyuan Army's strength.

No one will reveal all their family background, because this is something only a fool would do.

But does Han Ling look like a fool?

If Han Ling is a fool, aren't they even worse than a fool?

"How many secrets does this Han Ling have? How did he do all this?"

Seeing the unchanged smile on Han Ling's face in the distance, the chairman's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

But heavy artillery, what is this?

Next up is the Air Force!

The First Air Division directly dispatched more than a hundred fighters to form a huge formation, lowered the flying altitude, and presented it in front of everyone.

After the Type 28 fighter, there is the Type 28 dive bomber.

They appeared above the Empire Square with the heavy roar of engines.

"Oh! When did Huaxia own so many aircraft? Don't they also have their own industry?"

"This fighter looks so advanced! Could it be that the mysterious Huaxia has also begun to rise?"

Those Westerners, looking at the fighter planes flying above the sky, couldn't help being amazed.

They felt more amazed today than in previous months.

After the plane, there is the airship!

Twelve huge airships and airships of four teams appeared in the sky.

There are two vertical slogans hanging on each airship.


"Swear allegiance to the Marshal!"

These two slogans are such words.

"So it's true! They really have airships! And it looks like there are quite a few of them! No wonder the Yu Nong people said that they never worried about logistics! That's how it is!"

The chairman looked at the airship flying above, and finally couldn't help it.

The look of horror on his face was beyond words.

Airships, this is the embodiment of a national industry.

Look at the original Northeast Army, the Fengtian Armory established by Zhang Dashuai was able to produce heavy artillery aircraft, but it just couldn't produce airships.

But now the Pingyuan Army, which has just emerged, has a large number of airship troops.

The Blue Shirts Club reported to him before that the Pingyuan Army would never worry about logistics because they have a large number of airship troops that can be transported by air.

At that time, he just smiled, not thinking how many airships the Pingyuan Army had.

Since the quantity is not large, it is naturally impossible to transport them all by air.

But now it seems that the number of airships in the Pingyuan Army may be more than I thought.

Chapter 150: Zhang Hanqing's Worries

The military parade is over.

It ended in the strange eyes of warlords, ministers, and ambassadors from all over southern China.

As for the effect of the military parade!

You can tell by looking at the shock in those people's eyes.

Han Ling's original intention was to deter those people and not to trouble me.

The result!Also very successful.

Now Han Ling believes that in a short period of time, few forces dare to provoke him.

And I will also usher in a period of peaceful golden development in the next period of time, which is very good for my own development.

Night began to fall in Peiping.

Han Ling held a state banquet in the restaurant in Xiyuan.

Invited ambassadors from various countries, warlords from all over China, and two special guests.

One is General Hans von Seckert, the head of the German military advisory group, and the other is a middle-aged man wearing a robe and exuding an elegant temperament.

He is Jiang Baili!

This historical military scientist who was just released by the chairman.

In 1929, he supported his student Tang Shengzhi's rebellion against the Chairman.

In the second year, Tang Shengzhi's power was disintegrated, and he was thrown into prison by the chairman of the committee.

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