"Go as soon as you want! Don't get in the way here!"

Yasiqi said bitterly: "This bastard."

"How can it be!"

"Xiyun! Here we are, bring in the hangover soup!"

Zhou Xiyun was a little puzzled, weren't they still in the hall just now?

Why didn't you see me for an hour, and you're already in the commander's room?

But since it was said to be in the commander's room, she just carried it in.

Holding the hangover soup, he pushed open the door with one hand. Before the door was fully opened, he saw a hand suddenly pull towards the hand that was pushing the door.


After an exclamation, the hangover soup in his hand fell to the ground.

And people are also drawn in.

"Master! Don't!"

In the morning, the sky was snowing like goose feathers again, and Han Ling, Yasiqi and Zhou Xiyun hadn't gotten up yet.

The maids in the Marshal's mansion were a little strange.

In the past, the generals were usually the first to wake up.

Next came Zhou Xiyun and Ya Siqi.

But today it's ten o'clock in the morning, and these three people haven't gotten up yet, what's going on?

"Is this what you want? You are a tyrant!"

Yasiqi woke up and found that she was being hugged by Han Ling, she couldn't help putting her hands on his soft flesh, and made a [-]-degree turn!

This time Han Ling woke up.

"What are you doing! It hurts!"

"You also know the pain? When I can walk, I must not make it easier!"

Yasiqi looked at Han Ling and said bitterly.

"Cut! I've heard this a hundred times, and I haven't seen you!"

This sentence made Yasiqi's teeth itch even more.

On the other side, Zhou Xiyun woke up a long time ago, but he was too ashamed to bury his head on the pillow, not daring to raise his head.

"It's half past ten! I have to get up!"

Han Ling raised his wrist to check the time and found that it was half past ten.

He remembered Zhang Hanqing telling him last night that he was going to meet Zhou Jianyun today.

After talking, I grabbed Yasiqi and Zhou Xiyun's August [-]th place and got up to get dressed.

After getting up and taking a simple shower, I didn't eat.

It's almost noon, wait a little longer!It can be solved directly with breakfast and lunch.

But wait a minute, but people still have to see.

Forbidden City Xiyuan, Chrysanthemum Hall

This is a living room that Han Ling had someone build some time ago.

It is a building that combines Chinese and Western.

Inside at this time, Zhou Jianyun and Hu Die were waiting there.

Several cups of tea had been drunk, but Han Ling hadn't appeared yet, which made Zhou Jianyun a little anxious.

He managed to enter the Chrysanthemum Hall, but Han Ling did not show up. He has been waiting since [-]:[-] in the morning until now, and it is already eleven o'clock.

We've been waiting for two and a half hours. Can you be in a hurry?

Just as Zhou Jianyun was waiting anxiously, there was a sound of footsteps.

Then a hearty voice came in from outside.

"Mr. Zhou has been waiting for a long time! I have something to do in the morning, so I was delayed for a while!"

As soon as the voice fell, Han Ling's figure appeared in the Chrysanthemum Hall.

Still wearing a military overcoat, a pair of black military boots, and a short sword pinned to his waist.

"No! Today I just took advantage of the commander-in-chief to rest for half a day, otherwise I wouldn't have the chance to rest like this!"

Seeing Han Ling walking in, Zhou Jianyun quickly stood up and said.

The burning fire in the fireplace makes the whole Chrysanthemum Hall warm like spring, and you don't have the choking smoke in it.

Han Ling took off the military overcoat from his body, and sat down in a military uniform.

As soon as he sat down, someone hurried in to serve Han Ling a cup of hot tea.

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