Many things inside are controlled by the base's own system.

In addition to the strategic weapon of the cannon, other weapons were born in the army.

Such as tanks and armored vehicles.

The information base has been upgraded to level four, and the tank technology has finally been unlocked.

Seeing that the tank was unlocked, Han Ling naturally wanted to see it.

The tank technology unlocked by the information base includes light, medium and heavy tanks.

And the performance is not bad.

The only regret is that the information library is unlocked, but the level of the weapon manufacturing base is not enough.

So far, light tanks and medium tanks can be produced.

Heavy tanks cannot be produced.

The current weapon manufacturing base is level six, and to produce heavy tanks, the weapon manufacturing base needs to be level seven.

But in Han Ling's mind, medium tanks are better than heavy tanks.

What is the role of the tank?

Maneuver quickly, support operations, and advance quickly to break through enemy positions.

to be honest!

What you want is fast, what you want is blitzkrieg!

The armor of heavy tanks is thick enough and powerful.

But he has a fatal weakness.

That is speed!


What is Blitz?

It means that the ground tank troops cooperate with the air force to carry out large-scale and deep penetration attacks, quickly break through the enemy's positions, and disrupt the enemy's subordinates.

All this requires speed.

Heavy tanks have lost this most important thing.

In the confrontation between the two armies, heavy tanks can exert a lot of power.

But when there is a blitzkrieg, fight a blitzkrieg.

Heavy tanks can only stand aside.

The real main force is still the medium tank.

So Han Ling was not depressed.

And regarding heavy tanks, he has no intention of equipping them at the moment.

The main battle tank he will equip is a medium tank.

There are many kinds of medium tanks unlocked by the information base.

There are also countless types of light tanks.

Not one of a kind.

After choosing for a long time, Han Ling finally settled on a tank.

One that would work for this day and age, but never too advanced so as not to spark an Omi-country craze.

Han Ling knew that the United States and Germany used many tanks in the history of World War II.

Technology is already available in this period.

It's just that they are still short of the chance to pierce the membrane.

If it was because of himself that he drove the development of their tank industry, Han Ling would not do it.

So I chose a tank that is an advanced tank at this time, but a tank that is by no means advanced.

In this way, the impact on the world will be smaller, and it will be better for you to grasp the situation in the world in the future.

The specific data of this tank is as follows:

Front armor: 75 mm [made of special metal materials with alien technology]

Rear Armor: 35mm

Wing armor: 40 mm

Equipped with weapons:

One 75mm tank gun, one 128mm heavy machine gun, and two 762mm light machine guns.

Among them, the 128mm heavy machine gun is installed on the turret.


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