Han Ling looked at the information above, shook his head, and said nothing.

He could still afford to wait for two or three days.

When Han Ling selected the battleship and dispatched the naval energy base, Li Longke and Jin Ke commanded six armies and had already arrived in Suzhou from Xuzhou.

And the [-] central army of the Nanjing government, under the command of Liu Zhi, has also arrived in Bengfu City.

Liu Zhi's action was completely on the edge of the Huaihe River.

It completely violated the original ceasefire agreement that stipulated that troops should not be stationed within [-] miles of the border of the Huaihe River.

Faced with this situation, the Peking government immediately sent a telegram to the Nanjing government.

Ask them to leave the Bangfu area immediately, otherwise they will bear the consequences.

Here the Beiping government is letting others withdraw from the Huai River border thirty miles away.

However, the First Army of the Pingyuan Army arrived in Meiqiao Township under the command of Li Longke.

also violated this provision.

When the Nanjing government saw this situation, it immediately said that the Beiping government had violated this regulation.

Under Han Ling's instructions, the Peiping government claimed that this was a necessary measure to prevent the Nanjing government's troops from crossing the border.And the Beiping government also asked the troops of the Nanjing government to withdraw from this area immediately, otherwise the Pingyuan army will take tough measures.

The Beiping government said so, and the Pingyuan Army did the same.

On May [-], [-], Li Longke commanded the troops to station the First Army in the Huaishang District.

The Second Army was stationed in Huaiyuan County.

Third Army Mohekou Town.

The Fourth Army, Fifth Army, and Sixth Army are on standby in Guzhen County, ready to support at any time.

Subsequently, the four bombing brigades of the Pingyuan Army, the First Air Division and the Second Air Division also entered Guzhen County.

Chapter 167: Vulnerable [[-]]

Suzhou, Pingyuan Army Front Headquarters

"The commander of the enemy army is Liu Zhi, a general of the Nanking government and a confidant of the Chairman.

This time he commanded the [-] troops of the Nanjing government in the area from Huainan to Bengfu.According to the information we got, he is most likely to break into our territory from the Bengfu area! "

At this moment, Jin Ke and Li Longke were studying the map in the headquarters.

The one who spoke just now was the deputy commander Jin Ke.

"Eight hundred thousand? According to our information, they have a large number of troops, but their training can't keep up, and there are a lot of recruits. In addition, their weapons and equipment are far behind ours. As for the air force and heavy artillery, they are almost zero. This In a battle, it depends on whether our speed is fast enough.

Although we are well-equipped and well-trained, the number of people is too small after all. Only by defeating them in the shortest time and making them unable to react can we have a chance to eat the [-]. Otherwise, once the speed slows down, if they It is not good news for us to mobilize the army from behind after we have reacted. "

Two clones, Li Longke and Jinke.

When it was cloned at the beginning, it was still a bit rigid, but now it has been cultivated in a talent training base, and it has gone through a lot later.

Wisdom is already very high.

Although you often see this rigid shadow on his face, it is undeniable that they have been able to use it flexibly in combat.

"En! What you said makes sense. Since this is the case, we must act quickly. Now all our various logistics supplies have also arrived.

The airship transport troops are still continuously transporting various materials to prepare materials for our next battle! "

"Okay! If that's the case, let's prepare to attack! In addition, we will send a report to the Anhui Garrison District to let them stabilize the place and cooperate with us in fighting!"

Li Longke stood up and said.

"Okay! I'll send the report right away!"

The next day, May [-], Liu Zhi held a military meeting at his headquarters, with division-level officers participating.

A meeting room is packed to the brim.

"Everyone! This time we are shouldering the heavy responsibility of the party and the country, clearing away obstacles for the principal, and working hard to unify China.

Now there are more than [-] troops of the Pingyuan Army on the opposite side of us!

It is said that the Pingyuan Army has strong combat effectiveness and is invincible in all battles.

Successively defeated the Northwest Army, Jinsui Army, Northeast Army, and even killed the Japanese Army.

But what I'm going to say is - Shit!

He defeated these troops before, but is it still possible for him now?

We have a full army of [-], and they only have more than [-], which is a difference of four times!And we are the principal's elite troops, can't we even win the [-]? "

At this time Liu Zhi was doing something to boost morale.

In the past few days, some people in the army have said that the Pingyuan army is invincible and has never been defeated. This has caused a lot of effects in the army.

So today, he wants the teachers below to go down and do a good job.

He is ready, and will launch an attack on the Pingyuan Army in a few days.

He didn't believe that the Pingyuan Army could defeat him this time.

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