The sound of shells exploding continuously sounded from the position of the Central Army.

A soldier of the Central Army was thrown into the air by the bomb.

In the south of Longzi Lake, the five tank regiments began to mobilize again.

Under the cover of the air force, they launched a fierce attack on the Central Army.

A light tank is like a light cavalry.

They crossed hills, fields, villages, and towns.

Wherever they went, no Central Army unit could resist them.

Tang Enbo's escape made their attack more smooth.

Soaring all the way, triumphant all the way.

The scarlet iron-blooded Han army flag fluttered over the Anhui region.

After Liu Zhi learned that Tang Enbo had escaped and only a few remnants of his eight infantry divisions were left, he immediately dispatched five infantry divisions to the front as if he had gone crazy.

He hoped that these five infantry divisions would be able to block the assault of the Pingyuan Army's tank units.

But is this possible?

Liu Zhi transferred five infantry divisions from behind, and only one infantry division encountered Pingyuan Army's tank units.

More than [-] tanks didn't even expend much effort, defeated them under the cover of the air force, and then drove away. Their goal today is Fengyang.

Whoever dares to block them will accept their impact.

Fengyang, inside Liu Zhi's headquarters.

"Mr. Liu! It's not good. The armored vehicles of the Pingyuan Army defeated the Sixty-seventh Division and are rushing towards us. It is expected to arrive at our place in another hour!"

A communications staff officer brought shocking news.

"What did you say? We're here in an hour?"

Liu Zhi looked at the communication staff officer with a dull expression.

"Yes! They are coming to us!"

One hour, even if the troops are dispatched, it will be too late!

Live or die!

This was the thought in Liu Zhi's mind at this time.

If they want to survive, the best way for them now is to leave Fengyang immediately with their guards and flee to Hefei behind.

If he went to a place that was not conducive to tank marching along the way, he would definitely be able to escape the pursuit.

But in this way, the remaining hundreds of thousands of troops here will be in a leaderless state.

And I will also be ashamed of the chairman's cultivation and trust in the chairman.

But if he didn't run away, what was waiting for him might be cold bullets or the prisoner-of-war camp of the Pingyuan Army.

For a moment Liu Zhi was stunned. For Liu Zhi, who has strict military laws, it was really a shame to face the Pingyuan Army twice in a row, and was defeated and fled both times.

It was better last time, at least his troops were wiped out, and he escaped only in that situation.

But this time, he had hundreds of thousands of troops, but he was beaten to the headquarters by the enemy.

In fact, this time it was because Liu Zhi was too arrogant.

He actually thought that the Pingyuan army would not dare to attack him who had superior forces.

That's why he placed his headquarters in Fengyang, which is so close to the Huaihe River.

This time he had a hard time.

Between life and death, he wavers.

Chapter 173: The Strange Flower in the History of War

"Let's retreat! Give the troops an order to stick to their original positions, and our headquarters will retreat to Dingyuan immediately! In addition, explain the situation to the troops, saying that we are moving strategically. We will transfer the headquarters to Dingyuan so that they must not Out of order!"

Finally, Liu Zhi made up his mind.

However, he was still unwilling to fail like this and asked the troops to stick to their original positions.

He thought about waiting until he arrived in Dingyuan County and re-established the headquarters before fighting against the Pingyuan Army.

After giving this order, Liu Zhi fled hastily with the headquarters.

When the five tank regiments reached Fengyang County, Liu Zhi and his headquarters had already fled in a car.

"Liu Zhi really escaped? Very good! This time I see how many of his remaining hundreds of thousands of troops will resist!"

After Li Longke received the news, he was overjoyed.

"Jinke, you immediately ask the air force to sprinkle the leaflets we have prepared on the positions of the Central Army! Also ask the artillery unit to stop shelling. All units stop attacking immediately and prepare to persuade them to surrender!"


The news of Liu Zhi's escape began to spread under the Central Army at some point.

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