Han Ling lowered his head and thought for a moment, raised his head and said.

"Okay! I'll try it! But what do you mean by fear of change? Are you referring to countries such as Britain and the United States?"

Jiang Baili asked.

"No! I'm referring to Britain, Soviet Russia, and the little devils. The domestic economy of the United States is getting worse and worse. They don't have the energy to take care of the affairs of the East in a short time. But Britain, the little devils, and Soviet Russia are afraid that they won't Will tolerate the true unification of China!"

Han Ling looked at Jiang Baili and said seriously.

Han Ling has always been worried about this.

Now my navy is still building warships, but on the side of the navy personnel, I have already started preparations.As long as the warship is manufactured, clone sailors can immediately board the ship.

But now it will take about two months to manufacture a battleship.

But now that it has been delayed for a long time, it is not impossible for the little devil and the British to drive naval ships into the Yangtze River to prevent themselves from unifying China.

"Okay! I'll try it, but I don't think the possibility is too great."

Jiang Baili thought about it, but still felt that he should try it.

"Mr. Zhan Ning, it's up to Mr. Zhan Ning whether we can quickly take down the [-] central army this time!"

Han Ling gave a military salute.

"Don't worry, Commander, Zhan Ning will definitely go all out!"

On May [-], [-], Jiang Baili arrived at the Li Longke headquarters in Baoying County by airship

Immediately, Han Ling issued an order to change the commander.

Jiang Baili was ordered to concurrently serve as the front-line commander, and Li Longke and Jin Ke were the deputy commanders to assist Jiang Baili.

When Jiang Baili arrived at Li Longke's headquarters, he quickly wrote a handwritten letter and asked the soldiers to send it to Baoying County.

Baoying County, Gu Zhutong Headquarters

At this time, Gu Zhutong was holding a military officer meeting, and all the officers who came to this military meeting were division-level officers.

Many of them are Gu Zhutong's old subordinates, and many of them graduated from Baoding Military Academy.

The three criteria for appointing the chairman.

Zhejiang, Bao, Huang

That is, a native of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, graduated from Baoding Military Academy, and graduated from Huangpu Military Academy. [Here are the three major criteria for employing people, which do not conflict with the so-called Zhejiang, Yi, Huang, and Lu.And these four standards came later.Now the Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy has not yet started. 】

"Everyone, I convened this military meeting today to ask your views on the next battle plan. Now more than [-] troops from the six armies of the Pingyuan Army have arrived in Baoying County from Jinhu County, which can be regarded as blocking us. The way down south.

And in Huai'an in the north.Although we are still maintaining the offensive there, the effect is not great.And if their army of more than [-] is combined with the army of more than [-] here, facing an army of [-], what do you guys think? "

Gu Zhutong stood in the first place with his hands behind his back.

This is indeed a problem. No one dares not to pay attention to the [-] Pingyuan army.

Even the Japanese army was defeated in the face of the Pingyuan Army.

In the Battle of Bangfu some time ago, the [-] troops of the Central Army became history.

This military meeting was just a cover for Gu Zhutong, and there were no major decisions at the meeting, but after the meeting, Gu Zhutong left some people behind.

"Boling, Xijiu, Youqing, Mu Yi, do you know why I left you alone?"

Gu Zhutong looked at the group of people he left behind with a serious face. They all had one characteristic in common, they all graduated from Baoding Military Academy.Usually, those who graduated from the Baoding Military Academy are also called by the word table.

"Mo San, what do you want to say?"

Hao Mengling looked at Comrade Gu Zhu.

"The frontline commander of the Pingyuan Army has changed!"

"What do you mean?"

Hao Mengling and the others were still puzzled.

"The current commander-in-chief of the Pingyuan Army is now the Chief of Staff of the Beiping Government Military Headquarters, the former principal of Baoding Military Academy—Jiang Baili, who is the principal of you and me!"

Gu Zhutong looked at the crowd and said word by word.After finishing speaking, he took out the letter written by Jiang Baili to him from his pocket.

"What? The commander-in-chief of the Pingyuan Army is the principal?"

Everyone stared blankly at the handwritten letter on the table.

"Passed by Mo San, written by Zhan Ning!"

This is the word on the envelope.

The crowd had nothing to say, and they were all stunned.

It never occurred to me that Ping Yuan's army had changed generals.

And the new general is Jiang Baili, their principal.

Let yourself fight the principal?

I lost the fight, sorry Chairman, I won the fight.

A person who betrays their teacher and is ungrateful will bear the reputation of being ungrateful on them forever.

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