They were set up so that in the event of a war, they would be there within three to five days.

In order to achieve the battle as soon as possible, resist the enemy's attack, and gain time for the reinforcement of the follow-up troops.

Of course, this is defensively speaking.

In terms of offense, their requirement is to be able to achieve the goal of synchronously attacking with tanks, so that the power of blitzkrieg can be maximized! "

Han Ling looked at the senior officers of the military department and said.

"Blitzkrieg? Commander! You have mentioned blitzkrieg more than once in the documents you issued, but what is blitzkrieg?"

Jiang Baili looked at Han Ling and said.

"That's a good question, what is a blitzkrieg? Today I will tell you what a blitzkrieg is.

Han Ling walked to the huge map and asked the military staff to pull up the map, revealing the huge blackboard behind it.

Han Ling picked up the chalk and wrote a few large characters on it—the theory of big deep penetration interspersed with combat.

"What is blitzkrieg? It is to use your own tanks, artillery, air force and other troops to form a fast mobile force.

With the air force as the guide, tear open a hole in the enemy.

In the next five to ten minutes, our own tank troops quickly poured into the enemy's position from this opening, while our own troops arrived.

Quickly intersperse and divide the enemy's troops, disrupt the enemy's formation, so as to make the enemy overwhelmed.

In the process of our infantry rushing to the position and expanding the results of the battle, our tank troops use their firepower and maneuvering advantages to quickly rush to the enemy's rear, and carry out large-scale and deep penetrations in a very short period of time, disrupting the enemy's subordinates , wipe out the enemy's vital force"

Han Ling spoke in the front, and all the senior military officials behind, including Jiang Baili, took out their pens and began to record.

This kind of combat concept is a combat concept that they have never been exposed to.

This concept, even Guderian is still in his mind, and has not yet been written into a written model.

Two hours later, Han Ling threw down the chalk, wiped his hands, and picked up a porcelain cup on the table to drink water.

"The above is blitzkrieg. But this blitzkrieg also has a great weakness.

The first weakness is that if the infantry in the rear does not keep up in time, the enemy troops staying behind are likely to launch a counterattack to the rear of their own side, causing unnecessary casualties.

The second weakness is the problem of logistical supplies.Although the attack speed of the tank troops is fast, once the logistical supplies cannot keep up, the tank troops in front are likely to become exhausted, the offensive stagnates, and there is a possibility of a counterattack.

At the same time, the supply troops in the rear are also likely to be counterattacked by enemy forces.

Especially when the enemy has a large number of guerrillas harassing your supply troops, this weakness is particularly fatal! "

Han Ling put down the porcelain cup and looked at the crowd.

"That's why you abandoned the previous armored division and rebuilt the mechanized infantry division, listing the tank part of the armored division separately to form a tank division?"

Jiang Baili's head was still spinning quickly.He soon understood why Han Ling insisted on forming this mechanized infantry division.

"That's right! It's not easy to cover up the two flaws of the Blitzkrieg. But as long as we form a mechanized infantry division, we can follow the tank division to attack.

There will be no situation where the enemy army staying behind launches a counterattack to the rear of our army, which can avoid many casualties, and at the same time, it can also prevent the tank division from fighting alone like that! "

Han Ling looked at Jiang Baili and said.

"En! I see! The blitz you're talking about now is just these two weaknesses.

The formation of the mechanized infantry division now solves the problem caused by the first weakness.

And our airship troops transported logistical supplies, which solved the second weakness.good! "

Jiang Baili thought for a while and said.

"By the way! This kind of tactics is unheard of even by us, so who will command them?"

Jiang Baili asked.

"Hehe! Don't worry! I've already prepared candidates!"

"Report! The first cadets of the Peking Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy have arrived outside the military department!"

Just then, a messenger came in.

"Look, here they come! Bring them in!"

Han Ling couldn't help laughing when he heard this voice.

The Beiping Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy is another army officer academy after the North China Army Strategic Military Command Academy.

Its purpose was to train officers of the Pingyuan Army.

The difference between him and the North China Army Strategic Military Command Academy is that the Peking Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy only trains people in the army.

In other words, those who have potential in the army will all enter this military academy.

The North China Army Strategic Military Command Academy is for the outside world, or for students.

Those who want to enter China's top military academy, this is it.

After a while there was the sound of footsteps.

"Report! Zheng Daxing, former commander of the Fourth Infantry Division and now a graduate of the first phase of the Beiping Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy, is here to report! Please give instructions to the principal!"

"Report! Wang Chenggang, former commander of the Fifth Infantry Division and now a graduate of the first phase of the Beiping Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy, is here to report! Please give instructions from the principal!"

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