The bottom is naturally the water surface.

The height of the water surface from the roof is about [-] meters.

The size of this room is between [-] meters long and [-] meters wide.

This room almost hollowed out a mountain, it was completely hollowed out space.

All around, including the roof, are gleaming metal.

All are made of metal, and the outermost part of them is naturally covered with mud.

This room can withstand a hundred-ton nuclear bomb attack without damage.

These metals, you look like something from the earth.

In fact, this is a special interstellar material with a very hard texture.

You keep bombarding it with hard armor-piercing projectiles from giant cannons, and you can't find any traces on it.

At this time, a giant ship was quietly docked under this room.

It was the battleship Han Ling built at the Qinhuangdao Naval Manufacturing Base—the Montana-class battleship.

This kind of battleship was designed and built by the US military in history to deal with the Yamato class of the little devils.

However, because its width is too wide and the displacement is too large, it cannot cross the Panama Canal. If you don't take the Panama Canal, you have to go around it.

That would take too much time, and the strategic thinking of the U.S. military at that time was already very biased towards aircraft carriers, so they didn't have much feeling for battleships.

Therefore, a battleship of this level has not been tested in actual combat after it was made.

"Commander! Is this really a battleship that is going to be equipped for us?"

Shen Honglie's throat rolled, and he swallowed hard.

"The displacement of this battleship is at least [-] tons! Look at the caliber of the main gun, it is at least [-]mm or more!"

Looking at all this, Shen Honglie thought in shock.

He didn't expect that the battleship Han Ling equipped them with was so huge.

With such a battleship, there is probably no one in the world today that can be compared with him, right?

"Naturally! If you don't equip it for you, who else will equip it?"

Han Ling looked helplessly at Shen Honglie, do you still look like a deputy commander?

It's just that Han Ling turned his head and glanced at the others.

The discovery was even more unbearable, and some people even lost their halazi.

"I'm not dreaming, am I? Marshal, give me a try?"

Shen Honglie still couldn't believe that this kind of super battleship was about to serve in the Huaxia Navy.

"It seems that you haven't woken up! So, you go back to sleep first, and tell me when you wake up. As for the service of this battleship, don't worry! You haven't woken up yet!"

Han Ling took Shen Honglie's hand and was about to go out.

"No, no, no! I'm awake! I'm really awake, I'm not going back! I'm going to stay up there for the rest of my life!"

Shen Honglie's head shook like a rattle.

"Okay! Take it easy, this is just the beginning. Why are you so excited?"

Han Ling once again felt the Chinese Navy's desire for battleships in this era and the pain of having seas without defense.

Especially after what happened last time, Shen Honglie and the others were directly called by some newspapers—the most incompetent soldiers.The shame of the Pingyuan Army.

Claiming that they are all a group of people who are paid by the Pingyuan Army and eat the meals of the Pingyuan Army, but do nothing.

Saying that they are synonymous with incompetence, let their commander suffer such humiliation, but they can only bask in the sun behind them.

The direct consequence of this is that people in the navy dare not wear military uniforms on the streets, for fear of being scolded by ordinary people.

During this period of time, the navy has endured too much, which is one of the reasons why they are so excited and unable to control themselves while such a large battleship is in service.

"Okay! Go and start this battleship for me and drive out of the dock."

Han Ling looked at them and smiled encouragingly.

Shen Honglie took a deep look at Han Ling, then bent down and bowed: "Commander! Here I assure you, four months! If I can't let it form a fighting force within four months, I will come and see you!"

Shen Honglie has endured too much pressure during this time.

Countless newspapers accused him of being the most incompetent admiral ever.

Many people even asked him to resign and commit suicide immediately in the newspapers, to be loyal to the Marshal! "

"I don't want you to come to see me, I want you to train me a good sailor! This battleship is not for you to fight, but for you to use for training! Another two battleships have already sailed to the sea of ​​Qinhuangdao , the two battleships are fighting.

But here I have a task for you.

You have to block the Bohai Sea with two battleships on the surface, and you must not let a warship of the little devil enter the Bohai Sea, not even a gunboat or a submarine.

You will use this battleship to train me the most sailors in the shortest possible time.Remember, the navy's oil consumption is not a problem, I will issue you a warrant later, you don't have fuel, you can come here to pick it up.The person in charge here will refuel you.I only have one request, to train more sailors, I don't look at the process, I don't look at the consumption, I only look at the results! "

Regarding the fuel consumption of the navy, Han Ling was worried that the energy conversion base's [-] tons of oil per day would not be enough, but after learning that the naval energy base can also provide a large amount of fuel, Han Ling no longer worried about this issue.

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