For them now, being able to have enough to eat is a great temptation.

Fortunately, the road down the mountain was not as difficult as they imagined.

It seems that it has been specially repaired.

At half past six, they finally reached the foot of the mountain.

There is a checkpoint set up there, and there is a group of soldiers from the Pingyuan Army sitting there.

In addition, there are countless Pingyuan Army soldiers patrolling around.

"Master, we"

Shitou's father didn't seem to know what to say.

"Are you from Sichuan? Come here to register! After registration, you can go to the back to eat. Take a rest tonight, and tomorrow morning there will be a car to take you to the back!"

This soldier was not as vicious as other warlord soldiers. On the contrary, he looked at the family of three and said with a gentle smile.

"What's your name? Are you their boss? Let's start with you!"

A soldier of the Pingyuan Army looked at the family of three and smiled gently.

"My name is Li Gouzi, this is my mother-in-law Wang Chunhua, and this is my son Shishi!"

The registered soldiers knew that common people's families would choose to give birth to their children with strange nicknames, such as stones, dogs, iron pillars, etc.!

Just like him, didn't his parents name him Ergouzi?As for names, almost none of them are famous.

"Okay! You take this note and go to the back! Tie it up, and you take them to the back to get dinner!"

The Pingyuan Army soldier who spoke just now said to the soldier next to him.

"Yes! Squad leader!"

A soldier led Chunhua's family to the back.

"Hey! These damned warlords have made the common people miserable. It seems that the family just now hasn't eaten for a day or two. It's really hard!"

The squad leader shook his head regretfully.

"Hmph! Those evil warlords. They only know how to constantly expand their strength. Who cares about the lives of the people? I really hope that the commander-in-chief will unify the country soon and kill these damned warlords!"

Another soldier also said with disgust.

The soldier was originally a child of a peasant family in Henan.

Originally, life was not bad.

But since the war between the warlords, the life of their family has been worse every month.

Henan, the land of the Central Plains.

It can also be regarded as a large province of production.

But this is also the place of the Four Wars, and any warlord wants to occupy it.

So the warlords are changing wave after wave.

Wave after wave came, and each wave of warlords would hunt them down.

In the end their life became more and more difficult.

After Han Ling ruled North China, the people's livelihood began to improve rapidly.

And many people also began to turn their hearts, and many people who were grateful to Dade followed Han Ling's call to defend their good life and join the army to fight.

That's how this soldier was.

Later he was transferred to Shaanxi.

He can be said to have a heartfelt aversion to warlords.

Chapter 187: Enter Sichuan Plan

Beiping, Forbidden City Xiyuan Han Ling Office

"Master! This is the statistics from the Shaanxi government. As of now, there are about six million people who have escaped from Sichuan!"

Fang Tu handed a report to Han Ling.

"Six million?"

After Han Ling took the report and looked at it, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Have all the relief materials we distributed, such as food and quilts, been in place? Have all the government task forces been in place? Have all the people been counted?"

After a while, Han Ling asked.

"Everything is in place. The government's task force has already started preparations after you issued the No. [-] rescue order, and everything is in place now.

Those people who entered the country, each of them had a rough statistics when they entered the country.Physical examination is still being carried out in Shaanxi.However, the Shaanxi government sent a telegram saying that they are short of a lot of medicines and doctors and nurses.There is too much shortage of medicines in Shaanxi Province!If it continues like this, it will affect the problem of seeing a doctor and taking medicine for the common people in Shaanxi! "

Fang Tu looked at Han Ling and said.

"Well! I'll transfer the medicine to Shaanxi immediately. As for the doctors and nurses, we can't solve them all.

You ordered the Shaanxi government to recruit a large number of nurses, and we sent some of them to teach them.It is unrealistic to solve the problem of seeing a doctor for six million people in a short period of time.

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