Han Ling ordered a table of dishes and said to Jin Shuren.

"Hehe! You don't need to be polite, Commander! I have been in Beiping for a long time before!" Jin Shuren said with a smile.

After hearing this, Han Ling remembered that this guy is an old-fashioned bureaucrat.

How could an old-fashioned bureaucrat like him, especially one who had taken the imperial examination before, not have been to Peiping? ,

"Hehe! I'm making a fool of myself!"

Han Ling was stunned for a moment and then said.

"Hey! Have you heard? Our Pingyuan Army has already entered Sichuan! It won't be long before our Pingyuan Army can regain Sichuan!"

While Han Ling and the others were eating, a loud voice came from the hall outside.You can tell it's a loud voice from the sound.

"Wang Laizi, where did you hear the news! Our Pingyuan army is going to invade Sichuan, but it hasn't entered yet! It's just coming soon! Stop talking nonsense here!"

As soon as the man's voice fell, someone stood up and said.

"Who is talking nonsense? My kid came back from school last night and told me that it was their teacher who said it. It was said in the newspaper that the Pingyuan Army broke through the fourth defensive line yesterday, and now it is fighting the fifth line." Defense line up!

This hasn't entered Sichuan yet?Then what defensive front must have been set up in Sichuan, right?I am right to say so! "

"Wang Laizi, what kind of news is that? Who of us doesn't know this news? Besides, this kind of news is not very pleasant.

If you want to listen, just listen to the news that the Pingyuan Army has recovered Sichuan!

As for those warlords in Sichuan, how could they be the opponents of our Pingyuan Army! "

Sitting alone at the dining table, he looked at Wang Laizi and said with disdain.

"Old Zhangtou, where are you so embarrassed! You take every bite of our Pingyuan Army, and the Pingyuan Army doesn't belong to you. It belongs to our commander-in-chief!"

Wang Laizi looked disdainful.

"Then what are you talking about? You can say it, but I can't?"

"Naturally! My boss is a company commander in the Pingyuan Army, can you tell me?"

Wang Manizi looked at Lao Zhangtou with a proud face.

"What are you proud of? I will send my kid to the Pingyuan Army when I go back!"

"Okay! The two of you quarrel every time you eat, can't you have a good meal?"

The person next to him looked at the two of them speechlessly.

From what he said, the two seemed to be arguing a lot.

The two of them stopped talking, but after a while, Wang Manizi couldn't help talking again.

"When do you think the Pingyuan Army will be able to unify the country?"

"Unify the whole country? Hurry up! Take Sichuan this time! After taking Sichuan, I'm afraid we will fight back to Xinjiang and Tibetan areas!"

Another person said casually.

"Nonsense! Who doesn't know this! The newspapers have said that the Pingyuan Army has hundreds of thousands of troops marching into the Northwest. But I heard that the Chairman Jin Shuren who returned to Xinjiang has come to us.

When do you think we can win back to Xinjiang? "

"Wang Laizi, please don't say a few words! What's there to discuss!

How could those returning to Xinjiang beat our Pingyuan army?If Jin Shuren is sensible, he will surrender quickly.If he doesn't understand, our commander-in-chief will kill him! "

"Ah! Mr. De'an, these are just the words of the common people, don't mind!"

Han Ling, who was sitting inside, couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed when he heard the words outside.

"It's okay! These are small things!"

Jin Shuren said indifferently on the surface.

But he was thinking in his heart.

The Peiping government ruled this land for only nearly a year.

But the people here are so supportive of them.

"What method did the Beiping government use to win the hearts of the people in such a short period of time?"

This is a question that Jin Shuren needs to ponder now.

Although people outside speak a little bit to belittle him.

But he knew that according to the situation of the military industry he visited this morning, what they said was still true.

And this kind of voice of the people that is heard unintentionally represents the voice of the people.

The voice of the people's hearts.

He is considering all these.

A government that is supported by the people is a good government.

After the meal was over, Han Ling took him to the rifle manufacturing workshop and the steel factory in the afternoon.

Everywhere he went, Jin Shuren was shocked.

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