"Preparing for the welcome party? Then you are wearing the military uniform of the Pingyuan Army and the military uniform of the little devil?"

"Of course it's a skit! Our skit - "Road to Rise", shows the Pingyuan Army fighting Shanxi, sweeping the Northwest, attacking North China, killing the two Huaihe Rivers, and massacring the Dongyang people!"

The student looked at Jin Shuren with a very strange look, as if he was asking, why don't you know such a simple question.

"Ah! Don't you think this kind of killing is too heavy? I heard that when the Pingyuan army attacked the Nanjing government, it killed hundreds of thousands of people! This caused a lot of killing. Do you still support such an army?"

Jin Shuren looked at the student and asked deliberately.

"Who are you? Where are you from? Are you sent by the Nanjing government?"

As soon as Jin Shuren said this, the student looked at Jin Shuren warily.

"Ugh! No!"

"Xiao Feipeng, stop talking. Just looking at this person, you can tell that he is the kind of poor fermented bean curd literati. A look of compassion is actually useless! I don't even know how such a person can live in this world!"

At this moment, a student wearing a little devil's uniform came over and looked at Jin Shuren with disdain, and at the same time, a look of disgust flashed in his eyes.

It seems like he hates this kind of person.

"En! I think so. If it weren't for the Pingyuan Army, there would still be chaos north of the Yangtze River. People like you would have starved to death long ago.

You are not grateful to the Pingyuan Army now, but you are still saying that the Pingyuan Army killed too much!

"I don't know why the principal would invite such a person to be a teacher in the school. Next time we will jointly write a letter asking the principal to dismiss him. This kind of person who doesn't know how to be grateful is not worthy of being our teacher!"

The disgust on Xiao Feipeng's face stunned Jin Shuren.

The reason why he said that just now was to see the reactions of these students.

Who knew that they sneered at what they said, and even got told about it themselves.

Jin Shuren turned and left, thinking about what the student said all the time in his mind.

He didn't expect his temptation to have such a result.

Everything from my coming here shows that the Beiping government is very popular with the people.

Supported by the people.

In fact, Jin Shuren shouldn't have come to test these students at all.

In his twenties, he was officially at the young age of blood.

Looking at the history of China, we know that China has been continuously bullied by Western powers since the nineteenth century.

These young people are full of vigor, and the blood is burning in the hearts of young people. They really hope that there will be an iron-blooded leader.

I hope that an iron-blooded leader will appear and lead them to feel proud.

Unfortunately, the previous warlords were good at oppressing the people, but they were immediately paralyzed in the face of those great powers.

At this moment, Han Ling appeared.

He appeared with the Pingyuan Army.

In a very short period of time, all the forces north of the Yangtze River were wiped out, and then the little devil didn't want China to be unified.

So the little devil sent troops.

Originally, many people thought that the Pingyuan Army would give in. Who knew that Han Ling had never planned to give in.

Immediately mobilize the elite to go north.

A Korean war took place in North Korea and the little devil.

In that winter when it was snowing heavily, the Pingyuan army marched forward triumphantly, and directly beat the little devil out of the mainland.

Let them shrink back into their tortoise shells.

Many young people are regretting that it is a pity that the Pingyuan Army does not have a navy, otherwise the little devils will be marked and wiped out.

After such a war, the Pingyuan Army did not capture a single soldier.

Because these little devils were all killed by the Pingyuan Army.

Isn't such iron blood exactly what they hoped for?

Isn't that what they need?

In the hearts of these young people, there is no need for so-called humanitarianism in the face of the little devil who brought China's history of humiliation.

Not to mention the so-called preferential treatment of prisoners.

So Jin Shuren came to test the students, which is completely the wrong person.

Jin Shuren was walking on the campus alone, his mind was always thinking about what the student said.

"Students represent young people, young people support the Peking government, and middle-aged people support the Peking government! These represent the future and present of the Peking government.

Is the Peking government really so popular?Maybe I should go and see those common people! "

After Jin Shuren muttered to himself, he walked into the city.

He wanted to hire a carriage and drive out of town.

Go to the countryside to see the situation of those ordinary people.

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