At the beginning, they were still stunned, and they hadn't realized what was going on.

But then I reacted.

Their real target was Siberia, they were all lied to.

The Beiping government did not intend to attack the Central Asian military region, but to attack Siberia.

And Moscow immediately ordered the Central Siberia Military Region to start defending against the attack of the Pingyuan Army.

such a pity!

Their reactions were still slow.

September [-], [-].

The five tank divisions successfully marched all the way to Ulaanbaatar, but they have not yet gone to Baikalsk.

The engineering troops have already arrived in Ulaanbaatar, and they have leveled the field airport.

Now the Air Force is on its way to Ulaanbaatar.

After the air force arrives, these tank divisions will immediately continue to rush towards Baikalsk.

Because the Air Force will bomb the Trans-Siberian Railway immediately after it arrives, blowing up their section of the railway, making it impossible for their troops to get through.

Logistical supplies were also unable to arrive.

On the afternoon of September [-], [-], the first air division, the second air division, the third air division and the four heavy bombing brigades all arrived in Ulaanbaatar.

As for aerial bombs and fuel, airships have already transported them.

Now Han Ling has no shortage of airships.

As for the first airship before, now there is one every day.

Type 29 airship ships every three days.

How could there be no airship?

Now the Pingyuan Army has nearly [-] airships in its entire army.

How strong is the carrying capacity of such a huge airship force?

Don't talk about your troops, with another one million troops, Han Ling can solve your logistics supplies.

Especially the Type 29 airship.The carrying capacity of an airship has reached a load of one hundred tons.

With such a huge load capacity, how many troops have to solve the logistical problems in carrying it once?

Beiping, Forbidden City, Xiyuan, Military Command Hall

"Master! The Air Force has all arrived!"

Jiang Baili handed a telegram to Han Ling.

"Have they all arrived? That's good! Order the First Air Division to immediately cover the four bombing brigades and dispatch them all at once. The target is the Siberian Railway from Baikalsk to Irkutsk.

Be sure to blow him up!

Can't have a single screw delivered to this back! "

"it is good!"

In the afternoon, five tank divisions began to rush forward again, and ten infantry divisions advanced at the same time.

The ten infantry divisions still follow up in trucks.

Along the way, all their logistics supplies were transported by airships.

For the sake of speed, they themselves didn't bring any logistical supplies, just for speed.

The morning of September [-], [-].

On the field airport built just two days ago in Ulan Bator,

A Type 29 medium bomber began to park on the tarmac.

A ground crew is nervously loading their fuel and ammunition.

The bomb load of this Type 29 heavy bomber is twelve tons.

Compared with the later B29 super sky fortress in the United States, it has two tons more ammunition.

I have to say that the bomber made by this alien technology is really good!

It's just that his drivers need ten.

When Han Ling found out about it, he felt a bit pained.

It takes ten pilots to operate such a heavy bomber.

When the fuel and ammunition are loaded.

A Type 29 heavy bomber began to fly into the sky with its head held high.

Then, a Type 28 fighter also began to fly into the sky.

The Central Siberia theater is not only an internal army region of Soviet Russia, but also a pension military region, and even more so, a dispensable military region.

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