"Hundreds of guns? No! I have to report to the commander!"

After the leader finished speaking, he slowly ran towards Li Peiji's official residence.

But when the head of the regiment went to report to Li Peiji, Han Ling ordered the troops to start attacking.

Although it was said to be clearing the battlefield just now, it is just to find out if there are still people alive.

As for cleaning up the corpses, this will only be done after the battle is over.

Twenty-five field guns started shelling again, and this time, even mortars joined the shelling of the city wall of Guisui.

This kind of mortar, with its curved trajectory, can kill enemy troops hiding behind the wall very well.

The heavy machine guns also began to roar at the city wall.

The two sharp knife battalions began to slowly approach the city wall.

This time, the suppression of twenty-one heavy machine guns made the enemy even more unable to raise their heads, so they could only hide behind the city wall.

No matter how the officer whipped him, it was useless.

And the officer didn't dare to go too far. If there was a mutiny, he would be the first to die.


This time the sharp knife battalion blasted very smoothly.

The city gate was blown open with almost no effort.

With an explosion, Han Ling immediately knew that the opportunity had come.

Some light machine guns began to be replaced with drums, and the infantry began to charge with the light machine guns.

Some light machine guns and heavy machine guns continued to suppress the enemy's firepower on the position.

"Hehe! This battle is over!"

When Han Ling saw the first soldier rushing into Guisui City, he knew that Guisui was broken.

Li Peiji!

He no longer has the possibility of making a comeback.

After the news that the Pingyuan Army broke the city spread throughout Guisui City, the remaining cavalry inside all raised their hands.

He raised the weapon in his hand high above his head.They no longer have the confidence to resist.

This time the clone troopers did not shoot the soldiers who surrendered.

Because of the lessons learned from the past, Han Ling gave the order before the battle.

"Commander, it's bad! The city is broken! The Pingyuan army has already entered the city!"

A guard ran into Li Peiji's mansion in a panic.

"What did you say? The city was broken? It was broken in just a short while?"

Li Peiji said incredulously.

"Yes! They have already entered the city!"

The guard said in panic.

"Commander, what should we do?"

The head of the regiment who came to report the situation of the cavalry to Li Peiji just now also asked with concern.

"What should I do? What should I do? Come on, send me a telegram all over the country!"

In the end, Li Peiji had no choice but to do so.

In this day and age, if a warlord fails, he usually elects to go to the wild, and then go to other places to be Yu Gong.

As for Sun Chuanfang's killing of Shi Congbin, this is an extremely rare case.

And Sun Chuanfang killed Shi Congbin, but was killed by his daughter Shi Gulan in the end.

Therefore, Li Peiji's approach is very normal in China today.

Because the warlords of this era do not have any deadly enmity, what they are fighting for is nothing more than profit.

What they want to eliminate is their power, annexation of power and gaining benefits.

It will not destroy the opponent's body.

Many defeated warlords and victorious warlords still sit and drink together, and then the victorious ones continue to be warlords, and the defeated ones roll up the money they have looted to become foolish old men.

At the same time, this has also formed an unspoken rule.Because no one knows if they will be next.

So they won't kill each other.

And now Li Peiji thinks the same way.

Now that he is doomed, if that is the case, what is there to resist?It's better to be a fool.

It's just that he thought so, but Han Ling didn't think so.

The reason is simple, because he has a feud with Li Peiji.

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