In their desperation, the five tank divisions of the Pingyuan Army crossed the fields, the hillsides, and the hills.

attacked them.

The dive bombers in the sky are like hungry vultures, they are constantly diving and dropping bombs.

The Pingyuan Army rushed into the second front of the Soviet Army.

This is a broken front.

This is a place where it is no longer possible to see that a position has been built here.

Facing countless tanks, the Soviet army was at a loss.

They have never faced such a situation, or have never faced such a dense tank armored group charge.

A Soviet soldier held his weapons high above the heads of the whole country.

Their eyes also carried the infinite fear of the tank and the joy of surviving.

The second front of the Soviet Army - broken!

Without the slightest accident, without much resistance, the old Maozi who was once invincible and held a military parade in Beiping surrendered.

They surrendered to a nation they once despised.

Soviet Army, Budyonny Command

"Comrade Commander! There is a telegram from the front!"

"What's the result?"

Budyonny, who had been waiting for news for a long time, asked in a hurry.

The correspondent did not speak, but handed him the telegram and said, "Report to Comrade Commander, this is not something I can read!"

Budyonny did not speak, but looked at the telegram.

After a few seconds, his eyes widened.

"Two fronts were broken, and [-] troops were lost in one morning?"

Budyonny felt his head dizzy.

Is it a bit too scary to lose [-] troops in one morning?

They lost [-] yuan in just one morning. How many [-] yuan did they lose?

Chapter 208: A Wrong Start

"Since when did Huaxia have a tank force? Can it still form a tank group?"

Budyonny looked at the telegram, the Pingyuan Army's tactics were led by tank troops and followed by infantry.

He suddenly felt that the world had changed.

Originally, they all thought that the Pingyuan Army was just like other armies in China.

Backwardness, ignorance, and poor weapons and equipment are synonymous with them.

This is also one of the reasons why the bearded man sent him, the cavalry general.

Cavalry has no use in Europe.

That is to suppress and suppress Ukrainian farmers, just oppress those farmers in Ukraine.

Facing Britain and France, the cavalry could only fall down like a target.

In the eyes of the bearded man and even the entire Soviet military commander, the only place where the cavalry can still play is Huaxia.

And it is also believed that cavalry can play a great role.

And Budyonny, the general of the cavalry, brought most of the cavalry and infantry of the Soviet army to the East, and he will definitely be able to make meritorious service.

But today's facts tell Budyonny that Huaxia has tanks.

Who said that China has no tanks?Huaxia still has a lot of tanks.

Although Budyonny is a cavalry general, he is very clear.

In front of tank groups, cavalry has little effect.

This is not only known to Budyonny, but also to the middle and high-level Soviet army such as Zhukov and Bliuchel.

"Hurry up and send an order! Order all Slyudyanka's troops to retreat to Irkutsk immediately, especially those cavalry, must withdraw."

Of the [-] troops at Slyudyanka, there are [-] cavalry and [-] infantry.

Cavalry in the rear, infantry in front.

Now the front two fronts have been breached, and the infantry is lost, but the cavalry is still there.

The cavalry cannot just be lost like this.

You must know that training a cavalry is much more expensive than training an infantry.

If the cavalry suffered a lot of losses, even if the bearded man liked the cavalry general very much, he would not let him go.

When Budyonny ordered the troops in Slyudianka to retreat, the cavalry immediately began to gallop and retreat towards Irkutsk.

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