Hirohito knew about Ishihara Waner and the three of them.

These people are all elites who graduated from the [-]th class.

And Tojo is the son of Tojo Yingjiao, who can be said to be from a military family.

All the bigwigs in the military department also took good care of him.

Gong Zairen of Xianyuan couldn't help but fell into deep thought when he heard Hiroren's words.

Hirohito didn't bother, this kind of thing can't be done with a little thought.

The issues involved here are not just one or two issues.

After a while, Xianyuan Gong Zairen raised his head and said: "Your Majesty! This plan is not feasible under the current circumstances! If it was two years ago, it could be carried out completely. But now the situation has happened too much. big change.

The changes in Huaxia have also exceeded our imagination.

Xianyuan Gong Zairen looked at Yuren and said.

"Oh? What's your opinion, Uncle Emperor?"

"It's not a high opinion, it's just a point of view!"

After Xianyuan Gong Zairen said something, he continued: "Now the Beiping government seems to be held back by the Soviet Union, and they are fighting on both sides. In fact, their military strength is still very sufficient.

On the Siberian battlefield, they mobilized nearly one million troops to prepare to fight the Soviet army.

Although the Soviet army seems to have a little more overall numbers.

But their railway from Baikalsk to Irkutsk was blown up.

If the troops of the Peiping government were not close to Irkutsk, but only on the front line of Baikalsk, there would be no need to worry about the Soviet army at all.

Because after the Soviet army lost the railway, their army could only move past bit by bit like squeezing toothpaste.

This will undoubtedly give the Beiping government every opportunity to break through!

Therefore, on the Siberian battlefield, even if the Beiping government does not win, it will never fail!

And in the Far East.

The Far East Military Region of Soviet Russia seems to have [-] to [-] troops, but they have lost the transportation line of the Trans-Siberian Railway.

This is certainly not realistic if they are sending supplies by sea.

And the cycle is too long.

Another is that the Beiping government installed giant artillery groups on the Korean peninsula.

The Soviet transport ships want to pass safely near Tsushima Island, which is not realistic! "

The corner of Gong Zairen's mouth twitched when he said about the cannon group.

The navy has had warships approaching places like the Korean Peninsula and the Jiaodong Peninsula before.

At that time, I wanted to investigate and investigate the situation.

It's just that before they got close, more than [-] cannons rang out.

At that time, two destroyers were sunk by a single bombardment.

The rest of the cruisers were so scared that they couldn't even run.

This matter is still a nightmare for the Navy.

Xianyuan Gong Zairen was even more puzzled.

Where did the Beiping government get so many cannons?

It's a big deal for others to have a few two or three doors.

And it must be a powerful country to afford it.

As a result, the Beiping government was lucky, and directly used a group of giant cannons, dozens of cannons.

As for how many there are, Xianyuan Gong Zairen doesn't know, anyway, there is a hedgehog, and the navy dare not provoke it.

No warship can withstand the bombardment of the giant artillery group.

That is exactly the arrival of the god of death.

Xianyuan Gong Zairen paused for a moment before continuing: "So under such circumstances, the Far East Military Region of Soviet Russia will lose its logistical supplies. An army that has lost logistical supplies is nothing to worry about, even if its number is A lot. Just hold it for a while, and they will lose their combat effectiveness due to insufficient logistical supplies!

Furthermore, the eight garrison divisions and five standing infantry divisions deployed by the Peking government on the Korean peninsula, as well as some Korean divisions conscripted from North Korea, have remained in North Korea and have never been moved!

And their troops in the Lianghuai area have never been transferred.They fought against the Soviet Union, and they deployed troops from Northwest China and North China.

Therefore, we may not be able to carry out this plan! "

What Gong Zairen said made Hirohito very helpless.

Although he was very unwilling, he also knew that what Gong Zairen said was true.

The Beiping government seemed to be held back by Soviet Russia, but if Soviet Russia wanted to control the East, it had to rely on the Trans-Siberian Railway.

If this large railway is blown up, Soviet Russia will lose half or more of its control.

"Your Majesty! Although we can't fight back to the mainland for the time being, we can cause a little trouble for the Beiping government, and we say that we may not be able to make a fortune!"

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