The heavy bombing brigade is still bombing.

At eight o'clock sharp, the heavy bombing brigade began to return.

Five tank divisions and six infantry corps went on the offensive.

At the same time, six dive-bombing brigades flew out of the clouds above the sky.

Their purpose is to cover the attack of the ground forces and destroy the remaining targets of the Soviet army.

But this time, the Soviet army built perfect fortifications, and finally many people survived.

The ground shook slightly, and it appeared that the Pingyuan Army had begun to attack.

Although in this repeated bombing that lasted for an hour and a half.

Many people in the Soviet army felt the roaring in their ears, but they could clearly feel the vibration on the ground.

The Soviet army began to rush to the position with their own weapons, ready to resist the attack of the Pingyuan Army.

There are also some people, he did not hold a weapon, but a pack of explosives.

The identities of these people are easy to guess, they are the first batch of death squads selected by the Soviet army.

The purpose is to blow up the tank division of the Pingyuan Army.

"Molov, hurry up! The tanks of the Pingyuan Army are coming up!"

In the position, an officer holding a pistol looked at a Soviet army holding a pack of explosives and shouted loudly.

Although the Soviet soldier felt very scared, he still gritted his teeth and rushed forward holding the explosive bag.

And on this whole front, there are many people like Molov.

They started to pounce forward with the explosive packs in their arms.

"bang bang bang"

The five tank divisions of the Pingyuan Army had already reached a distance of [-] meters in front of the position.

Now when he charged, it was even more rapid.

But when they rushed to a distance of [-] meters, some of the tanks in the front suddenly exploded, and each tank became a pile of torches.

"Holy shit! The Soviet army has death squads! The whole army immediately retreated [-] meters and contacted the infantry! Let them step forward to cover us, and prepare to slow down the attack speed! Don't lose any more tanks!"

At that moment, more than a dozen tanks were lost.

Sun Ming, the commander of the second tank division, felt his heart was bleeding.

Those Soviet death squads are hiding on the ground.

The tanker's field of view is limited and he cannot see the ground.

So the fastest tanks that rushed just now were all blown up.

Now we can only let the infantry come forward, cover the tanks, and clear out those death squads.

Following the order of the commander of the second tank division, the tanks in front immediately began to retreat slowly for a distance of about [-] meters.

Seeing the Pingyuan Army's tanks retreating, the Soviet army immediately shouted happily.

It seems that they have defeated the Pingyuan Army.

After a few minutes, the soldiers of the First Division of the First Army rushed up quickly.

They followed the flanks of the tanks, and the tank divisions began to attack again.

This time it was much slower.

Although the speed slowed down, the infantry following them wiped out the Soviet death squads lying on the ground one by one.

Those death squads lay on the ground, ready to wait until the tanks came over before firing the explosives.

Who knew that the infantry on the opposite side came up.

There are quite a few death squads sent by the Soviet army, and there are more than [-] death squads.

On this several-kilometer-long front, Soviet death squads are everywhere.

Although the speed of the attack slowed down, the losses were immediately reduced.

Those death squads were all beaten to the ground.

What else did the Soviet army use to destroy the tanks of the Pingyuan Army?

And this is only a distance of about [-] meters.

Half an hour later, when the death squads of the Soviet army were all killed on the ground and the tanks were no longer a threat, they immediately turned on the power.

He rushed directly towards the Soviet position.

This distance, for the tank, that can not be said to be the distance.

In just a few seconds, the tank division crossed their trenches under the stunned eyes of the Soviet army.

Chapter 212: Talent Recruitment Plan

At this time when the war in Siberia was spreading and the Far East was about to start a war, a group of people went ashore in Tianjin and disembarked in New York, the United States.

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