Another cannonball landed on the Mutsu.

Attacking the Mutsu, this is the task of the No. 81 Cannon Base.His mission is to attack the Mutsu.




When the shell of this giant cannon fell on the Mutsu, there was a series of explosions immediately.

The continuous explosions made the entire Mutsu violently turbulent.

And Mao Neixiao was immediately thrown on the bridge.

Originally, his forehead had just exploded, but now that he hit it, some blood flowed down his forehead, and the sanitary belt that exploded was also stained red with blood.

Chapter 222: Painful Liver Trembling

"How's the situation?"

Mouchi's head was dizzy from the hit, but he was more worried about the situation of the Mutsu now.

Everyone was still on the ground, and they began to roar loudly.

As for the surrounding sounds, he only heard the constant sound of explosions.

No one answered Mao Nei effect.

After all, those little devils on the Mutsu were either shocked, or they hadn't fully reflected on it yet.

At this time on the Mutsu, the billowing smoke grew even bigger.

As the thick smoke continued to grow, explosions continued to be heard inside the Mutsu.

Amidst the constant explosions, Mao Neixiao felt his ears roaring.

After a while, Mo Nei finally stood up unsteadily from the ground.

He feels that this moment may be a few seconds, maybe a few minutes, more like half a century has passed.

He patted his head, hoping to make himself clearer.

Now the entire Mutsu is billowing with black smoke.

The black smoke seemed to cover the entire Mutsu.

Mao Neixiao stood up and looked at the billowing smoke, he felt his heart was bleeding.

Having been in the army for many years, he knew that such extremely black smoke, and the density of the smoke, must have been damaged by important things, which caused great damage to the hull.

He rubbed his eyes, then looked down.

A twin main battery turret was destroyed.

Two 410mm main guns are hung on the side of the ship.

In that main turret, it is no longer the main turret Li Ai.

It was a hole that was billowing black smoke.

The cannon shot just now fell directly on the main turret.

In an instant, that main turret was destroyed.

The giant cannon exploded below.

The shells below were also detonated immediately.

Then there was a violent explosion.

Mutsu was the second of the Nagato-class battleships.

Nagato's sister ship, he has a total of eight 410mm main guns.

The main turret is a twin-mounted main turret.

There are four main turrets, two at the front and two at the front.

Now this cannon directly destroyed a main turret.

"Your Excellency! Our No. [-] turret was destroyed! In addition, we also had to stop using four boilers due to internal explosions. They need to be towed back to the shipyard for overhaul!"

At this time, a lieutenant officer ran to Mao Neixiao and said.

Mao Neixiao didn't speak, but put his command knife on the ground.

At this time, his face was covered with blood, and he didn't wipe it off, just letting it sit on it.

"Your Excellency! Your injury"

The lieutenant assistant didn't hear Mao Neixiao's voice, so he couldn't help but raised his head and said.

But when he looked at it, he could see the hairy effect with blood all over his face.

"Order all ships to return to port immediately! The enemy is coming towards us!"

Mao Neixiao thought for a while and said.

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