In the second round of shelling after the test firing, the shells hit directly.

Even the ones that missed were not far off.

But looking at the sailors trained by myself, not only the reaction speed is slower than others, but even the deviation is so large.

Shen Honglie was not satisfied here, but Mao Neixiao's heart was very shaken.

Just now the first round was a test shot, and it didn't hit, it's nothing, it's a normal thing.

But the actual shooting of the second round.

They had two artillery hit their side.

Such a high quality is only available in three countries in the world today.

The first is the United Kingdom, a naval power that is already in its twilight.

Although it is getting late, the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse.Their naval heritage is still there.

The second is their little devils.

But that has to be the most elite gunner.

For example, the gunners on the Nagato and Mutsu have such qualities.

The third country is the United States.

Some elite gunners in the United States can do it.

No other country has such qualities.

But now, the Beiping government, which has only risen for a year or two, actually possesses such qualities.This really shocked Mao Neiyi.

"All ships in the fleet, break out in that direction! Don't confront them head-on! In addition, all destroyers are ready to release torpedoes immediately to prevent the two battleships from besieging us!"

Seeing the raging fire and billowing black smoke above the Chi and Haguro, Mao Neixiao immediately made a decision.

Just now he wanted to test the strength of the Beiping government's navy.

If the quality of the opponent is not good, he will fish in troubled waters and kill several destroyers and cruisers of the Peking government.

It's an honor to say that.

The most critical thing is if you win here.

The previous guilt for the loss of the Mutsu may be reduced.

It doesn't mean that there is no need for seppuku.

It's just that the current result is beyond his expectations, so he can only quickly order the fleet to break through.

And the direction he designated to break out was the direction of the battleship Taishan.

He had observed it carefully just now.

Although the battleship was huge, the quality of the sailors on it was not very good.

The response is slow, and the quality of the gunner is not good.

The first round of test firing and the second round of shelling, their deviation is very large.

Only the other two battleships were of good quality, so Mao Neixiao decided to break out from here.

After Mao Neixiao's order was issued.All the little devil's fleet immediately went into action.

First of all, more than a dozen destroyers began to adjust their positions, preparing to release torpedoes.

And the Nachi and Haguro, while extinguishing the fire on the ship, repaired the ship, and then moved forward.

At the same time, the sailors on the ship are also preparing to release torpedoes to prevent enemy battleships from blocking their gaps.

"Little devil wants to escape! Order all the heavy cruisers and destroyers to block the escape route of the little devil, and the battleship is ready to sink the enemy heavy cruiser! If the two heavily damaged heavy cruisers are allowed to escape, I don't have to go to see the commander! Just kill yourself here!"

Shen Honglie looked at the people in the command room and said in a deep voice.

Although this time Han Ling gave them the task of conducting actual combat training.

But if it is three super battleships.Five heavy cruisers and eight destroyers can't leave the little devil's incomplete fleet. What face does he, Shen Honglie, have as the deputy commander of the Pingyuan Army Navy?

The little devil's fleet rushed towards Taishan in an arrow-shaped formation.

The East China Sea Fleet of the Pingyuan Army immediately launched a half-moon formation to meet it.

The first three battleships are the three super battleships.

At this time, the sailors on the Taishan also felt ashamed.

In the two bombardments, his own battleship failed to hit a single shot, and the difference was far.

Look at the Huashan and Hengshan.

Usually I am not convinced that others are treated better than myself, and I am not convinced that others are superior.

Now I have to be lucky.

Others missed the first round of test shots, but the difference was not far behind, and the second round of salvos hit.

So this time the gunners on the Taishan are already desperate.

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