But although Han Ling's words made them stunned, they were clearly prepared.

"Of course not, but now we consider that China already has the strength of a big country, so today we invite General Han to join the Washington Treaty!"

Wells is still smiling all over his face. He has actually considered this point.

Moreover, some preparations were made to force Han Ling to join the Washington Treaty.

"Possess the strength of a great country? Mr. Wells is absurd. My Beiping government has been established for a short time, and the people can't even eat enough. How can I have the strength of a great country?"

Han Ling looked at Wells with a smile on his face.

These are politicians, and their face-changing skills are even more powerful than those of Sichuan Opera.

They can laugh for a while, get angry for a while, and even cry for a while.

Never be fooled by the appearance of a politician.

"General Han, are you rejecting our proposal?"

Wells is not a fool, Han Ling said so, he naturally understood.Han Ling didn't want to join the Washington Treaty, and didn't want to be restricted by this treaty.

"Reject? You can understand it like this!"

This time Han Ling admitted it with a smile, without the slightest fear.

"General Han, if you do this, our great America will not sit idly by!"

"General Han, if you insist on going your own way, we in France will not agree!"

After Han Ling's voice fell, both Jonny and Tim looked at Han Ling threateningly.

And this is even more so for Mr. Ono, the little devil.

"Whether I join Huaxia or not is my Huaxia's business, and it's not up to you to disagree!"

Han Ling's face changed, and he looked at these people with a sneer.

What era do you think this is?

Especially the Brits, do you still think you are the overlord of the world?

oh!Maybe you can still be said to be the hegemon of the world now.

But so what if you are the hegemon of the world?

Now Han Ling is not afraid of you anymore.

Do you still want to threaten China by setting up a few artillery pieces on the sea?

I am not afraid of you!

The Korean Peninsula, the Shandong Peninsula, and the Liaodong Peninsula have all been equipped with countless giant artillery groups by themselves.

As long as you dare to come, I dare to fight.

Guaranteed to prevent the warships of your group of foreign devils from approaching the offshore waters.

And now there is one giant artillery base car every two days, who is afraid of you!

Now Han Ling can install a giant artillery group in a very short time.

If you want to attack the south, threaten the Jiangsu area.

Come on if you have the ability!

Han Ling has made up his mind, and after a while, he will install giant artillery groups in the Jiangsu area.

Turn the coast directly into a hedgehog, and see which of your battleships can withstand the bombardment of the 480mm cannon.

Chapter 232: Catch the Rat [Part [-]]

"General Han, you have to think about the consequences! Our empire will not allow any violation of the rules in this world!"

As soon as Han Ling's voice fell, Mr. Ono immediately said coldly.

Immediately afterwards, the British, the French, including the Americans, all said so.

"Hehe! Are you threatening me?"

Han Ling sat up straight, looked at several people and said.

"You can think so!"

At this time, Wells also tore off his disguise, and he no longer behaved like a gentleman. On the contrary, Wells at this time was like a landlord bully.

"Haha! Are you threatening me? Good! I will stop here today. My Peking government will never join the Washington Treaty!"

After Han Ling sneered, he turned his head to look at Mrs. Ono and Wells and said, "You two countries are the most powerful in Asia.

Didn't you just threaten me?Well!Now I will give you a chance, you can go back and pull out your own fleet to see if it is still a hundred years ago.

Just set up a few cannons and you can blast open the gate of China! "

What Han Ling said next shocked the four of them.

"Han Ling is crazy!"

This was the voice of the other three people present besides Mr. Ono.

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