In all fairness, the Chairman treated him well.Give him the Admiralty.Give him the position of Commander of the Second Fleet.

But these are not what he wants.

What he wanted was a strong navy.But these things, the chairman did not give him an answer for a long time, and even avoided him sometimes because of these things.

This made him feel very disappointed.But now this letter from Han Ling gave him other thoughts.

He knew that the Peking government owned battleships, or super battleships.

After all, how could he not know about the killing of a battleship of the little devil some time ago and the complete annihilation of the little devil's squadron?

It's just that I don't know when the Beiping government has five battleships.

Although he was a little puzzled, Chen Shaokuan chose to believe Han Ling's words considering the sincere tone in the letter.

"Once! Write the letter again. If the chairman does not give instructions, I will go to Peiping!"

Chen Shaokuan put his eyes on the application written by himself on the table, and muttered to himself.

He decided that if the chairman of the committee still ignored the application after it was submitted, he would go to Peiping to work with Han Ling and not stay in the Nanjing government anymore.

Although the chairman gave him a good treatment, he was still unwilling to spend a lot of effort to build the navy after all.

In addition, there are many factions in the Ministry of the Navy of the Republic of China, and the relationship inside is also complicated.And he wholeheartedly wanted to build the Huaxia Navy, and his businesslike appearance made many people regard him as an enemy.

The next day, the morning of October [-], [-]

"Commissioner, please take a look! This is the application form of Chen Shaokuan, Acting Minister of the Ministry of the Navy!"

A document with a strange expression on He Yingqin's face was handed over to the Chairman.

The chairman took the document and looked at it for a few seconds, then put it down with some headaches.

"This gentleman! It's really worrying. Now the country is in crisis and the government's finances are difficult. The Beiping government in the north is aggressive again. How can there be any money to build a navy!"

In all fairness, the chairman still values ​​Chen Shaokuan very much.

When it comes to the importance of the navy, if the chairman does not know, it is an insult to his IQ.

It's not that he doesn't know the importance of the navy.

But at present, in the mind of the chairman, the army is more important than the navy.

To fight the Beiping government, after all, we still have to rely on the army as the main force.

Now that the army has not been fully prepared, and the equipment of each infantry division has not been updated, how can there be any funds to build a navy?

When it comes to building a navy, the chairman still has a plan in mind.

He hopes to use the power of the whole country to build a navy on the basis of unifying China.

Only in this way can we develop steadily. Now we only rely on the land south of the Yangtze River to develop the navy, and we have to support millions of troops. The finances are really too difficult.

The Nanjing government of the chairman is not like Han Ling's Beiping government.

The army under the Beiping government can rely on Golden Finger to provide guns and ammunition, etc. It can be said that it does not consume money and has no financial pressure.

The navy is still like this, so the Beiping government can develop so rapidly.

The Nanjing government can't do it, everything depends on finances.Without financial support, even if the chairman of the committee has the heart, he will be powerless!

"Commissioner, last time Houfu wrote a letter, we ignored it that time, is it still the same this time?"

He Yingqin asked with a frown. He felt that it was not good for the chairman of the general committee and his own military and political department to ignore a minister of the navy who wrote a letter twice.The other was, after all, a Secretary of the Navy.

"Hey! Why do I think so? The country is difficult, this time you go to him personally! Give him some compensation, don't chill his heart. In the future, we will rely on him for the construction of our navy."

In the afternoon, the Office of the Minister of the Navy Department of the Nanjing Government

"Jingzhi, why did you come to my small temple? Could it be something?"

Looking at He Yingqin who walked in, Chen Shaokuan couldn't help laughing.

"Brother Houfu, this time I came to discuss some things with you under the order of the commissioner!" [Chen Shaokuan is called brother because he is a little older than He Yingqin. 】

He Yingqin's words brought joy to Chen Shaokuan's face. Could it be that the Chairman agreed to his matter?

"Hehe! Your respect, come and sit! Sit! Xiao Wang, go make a cup of tea!"

Thinking of this, Chen Shaokuan quickly asked his secretary to make tea.

"Slow down! Slow down! Houfu, I know what you're thinking, but I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you this time."

Seeing Chen Shaokuan's appearance like this, He Yingqin kept smiling wryly in his heart.

This Chen Shaokuan really cares about the navy!

Normally, when people come to him, they can only drink black tea with him. This time, he thought that the committee agreed, so he wanted to go to Huaxia's tea.

"What did the committee say?"

Upon hearing He Yingqin's words, Chen Shaokuan's heart sank slowly.

He guessed he was happy for nothing.

"Houfu, you also know the current government's finances. The country's affairs are difficult!

The Peking government is aggressive, and their army is getting stronger and stronger.Now the little devil was shrunk down on Kyushu Island by them, not daring to step into the mainland.

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