"I know that, so that's what I'm not sure about paying attention to.

In this letter, the principal only said that Jiangbei would give us satisfactory treatment, but he didn't say anything specific.If we were emptied in the past and given us two vacancies, it would not be worth the candle.

And now the chairman is reorganizing the troops while dealing with the troops of our warlords.Put his students in.

If this matter gets out, our situation may be very threatening. "

Obviously, Bai Chongxi is also aware of these problems, which is why he is in a dilemma.

In the letter, Jiang Baili did not clearly state what positions he would give them, but only said that he would not disappoint them.

There are too many things in it, and he can't decide to pay attention.

And Gui Jun is not his Bai Chongxi alone, but also Li Zongren's.

"As for the question of whether we were false jobs in the past, I guess it might have been at the beginning, but it probably won't be in the future, after all, you are still a student of Mr. Zhan Ning.

Even for the sake of Mr. Zhan Ning, that Jiangbei will not always give you a false job.What I really care about is whether the Beiping government is worthy of our support and how strong they are.

Whether it can defeat the Nanjing government in the next war.

And if we choose to take refuge in the Beiping government, how should we face the Nanjing government?

You must know that the Nanjing government's current central army is about [-] million, and other local troops are added, and the number is about [-] million.

And I heard that the infantry of the Beiping government is only a little over one million, less than two million.

Including other troops, there are only more than two million.Moreover, they are still at war with Soviet Russia, and most of their energy is being drawn to the north.Can they defeat the Nanjing government? "

Li Zongren thought for a while and looked at Bai Chongxi.

"I don't know about this, I only know that some time ago, Soviet Russia was defeated by the Beiping government in Siberia.

During this period of time, it seemed that because the weather had cooled down and it started to snow, they stopped their large-scale wars, but small-scale frictions continued.

If the Beiping government hadn't been involved in most of the energy by Soviet Russia, I think it is possible to rely on the Beiping government, but now I estimate that the winning rate of the Beiping government and the Nanjing government is between [-] and [-]! "

Bai Chongxi said with some uncertainty.

Their Guangxi army had never fought against the Pingyuan army, and the information about the Pingyuan army was mainly obtained from newspapers.

They only know that the Pingyuan Army is very powerful, but they don't know how strong it is.How does it compare with the Central Army of the Nanjing government.

"I think we might as well secretly send a tentative letter to the Peking government to see what their next step is. Then we can decide whether to join the Peking government or continue to follow the Nanjing government!"

Li Zongren thought for a while, but still felt that he shouldn't make such a quick decision. It's better to see the reaction of the Beiping government.

"Good! I agree with you!"

Beiping, Forbidden City, Xiyuan, Military Command Hall

"Marshal, Bai Chongxi and the others sent us a letter through our people. This is what they sent back by telegram. Take a look!"

Jiang Baili handed a telegram to Han Ling.

After Han Ling took it, he began to look at it, and said after a while: "It seems that your student is worried about the future."

"Hehe! Jiansheng was very smart when he was in school, and after going through many wars, he was even called Xiao Zhuge.

He is naturally worried about these. "

Jiang Baili said with a smile.

"You see, they asked us what the ambition of the Beiping government was and how to resolve the war with the Soviet Union. Will they be able to bring troops after they come here.

This student of yours is indeed quite smart.

It should be because I was afraid of being ostracized after I came here, and because Guangxi is a bit far away from us, I was afraid of being dealt with by the Nanjing government. "

"Master! What do you think?"

This time Jiang Baili did not express his opinion first, but looked at Han Lingdao.

After all, this matter involves his students, so it is not easy for him to express his opinion first.

"What do you think?"

Han Ling fell into deep thought after hearing this.

After a while, he said: "You can tell him bluntly that we will start the national unification war soon, and we will never wait too long.

In addition, as to whether they can lead troops, it depends on themselves.

But we must disrupt their GUI army and mix it with other troops! "

Regarding the control of the troops, Han Ling would never give up on this point.

If you want to take refuge, but you want the troops not to reorganize, be independent from the first army.

Han Ling would never agree to this point. He would rather you not surrender and fight with you.

"Okay! I'll send the report right away!"

Nanning, Guangxi, Bai Chongxi's Mansion

"Report, someone has sent a telegram, saying that he wants to deliver it to you personally!"

When Bai Chongxi and Li Zongren were waiting in the study, a guard of Bai Chongxi knocked on the door.

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