After reading it, Chen Shaokuan looked up at Zhang Shaoqun in front of him and said.

At this time, Zhang Shaoqun is no longer the Zhang Shaoqun who was replaced by the clone, but the real Zhang Shaoqun.

In order to send Han Ling's personal letter to Chen Shaokuan, and to get in touch with Chen Shaokuan better.

So the people from the seventh office locked Zhang Shaoqun at home, and used the replacement Zhao Shaoqun to get in touch with Chen Shaokuan.

After Chen Shaokuan decided to fall to the Beiping government, they handed over the real Zhao Shaoqun to Chen Shaokuan.

It was not until that moment that Chen Shaokuan knew that his adjutant had been replaced.

Before, he thought that Zhang Shaoqun had been instigated by the Beiping government.

Chen Shaokuan's Second Fleet is filled with people from his Fujian navy.

The Fujian navy is one of the main forces of the navy under the current Nanjing government.

The Fujian navy has occupied an important position in China's naval arena since the end of the Qing Dynasty.

In the Second Fleet, large and small, there are nineteen ships of all kinds, that is, nineteen captains.

Zhang Shaoqun came back after a while.

"Commander, you have been notified!"

Zhang Shaoqun stood in front of Chen Shaokuan and said.

"Well! Go find something to do yourself!"

Sitting in his seat, Chen Shaokuan said incredulously.

"Commander, I"

"What's wrong? What's the matter?"

Hearing Zhang Shaoqun's faltering voice, Chen Shaokuan raised his head and asked.

"Commander, do we really want to join the Peking government?"

Zhang Shaoqun is considered Chen Shaokuan's confidant, which is why those people in the seventh office did not choose to kill Zhang Shaoqun.

At the same time, it is now known that Chen Shaokuan is going to vote for the Beiping government.

"Shao Qun, do you have complaints about the Beiping government because of what happened last time?"

Chen Shaokuan put down the pen in his hand, looked at Zhang Shaoqun and asked.

"Commander, you are still the Minister of the Navy in the Nanjing government, but after you go to the Beiping government, what position will they give you? And you came later, I feel that they will not give you a big position, stay Is Nanjing not good?"

After holding back for a while, Zhang Shaoqun still spoke out the question in his mind.

"Hey! Shao Qun, are your eyelids so shallow? Will you always see this kind of false job?"

Chen Shaokuan looked at Zhang Shaoqun with disappointed eyes.

Zhang Shaoqun is not only Chen Shaokuan's confidant and adjutant, but also his apprentice, his student.

It was Chen Shaokuan who brought him into the navy by hand.

"No, Commander, I"

Looking at Chen Shaokuan's disappointed eyes, Zhang Shaoqun suddenly felt ashamed.

"Shao Qun, you have to remember, whether we are serving the Nanjing government or the Beiping government, the words Huaxia Navy are engraved on our bodies.

The responsibility of our generation of navy is very heavy, and we need to make up for everything suffered by the predecessors of the navy.

Huaxia's huge coastal defense needs us to protect.

A position means nothing to me.

Our responsibility lies in rebuilding the Chinese navy, and it will be ashamed.

Shao Qun, the position of Acting Minister of the Navy has blinded your eyes, you have let me down so much.

Is the Huaxia Navy so insignificant compared with such a vain job? "

Seeing Chen Shaokuan's disappointed eyes, Zhang Shaoqun felt panicked.

"Commander, I"

"Okay! Stop talking, go down by yourself! If you don't want to follow me to Peiping, I can find a way to give you a future!"

Chen Shaokuan waved his hand and let Zhang Shaoqun go out, as if he was very disappointed in his confidant.

After Zhang Shaoqun went out, he didn't know what to think, and he didn't come back to his senses until the main personnel of the Second Fleet arrived.

"Shao Qun, where is the commander? He said he came to us for something, where is the commander?"

A middle-aged man in his thirties strode into the Admiralty and asked.

"Ah! Captain Wang, the commander is in the office!"

After reacting, Zhang Shaoqun looked at the crowd.

"Shao Qun, why are you sitting here in a daze? Did you get scolded by the commander?"

It can be seen that these people have a good relationship with Zhang Shaoqun, and they are joking when they look at him.

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