"Okay! Calm down, the purpose of my coming to you today is to tell you that a few days ago, I had agreed to the invitation of the Peking government to join the navy of the Peking government! Now I just want to ask you, do you have any Different opinions? If you want to stay in the Nanjing government, I will not force you. If you want to follow me to Beiping, I welcome it!"

The Huaxia Navy has been in a very strange situation since the end of the Qing Dynasty.

First of all, there have been Beiyang and Nanyang navies since the end of Qing Dynasty.

Then came the rise of various factions.

Each faction wants to fight for the few surface ships.

So among the various factions, you don't like me, and I don't like you.

The two sides fought fiercely.

But there is great unity between each faction.

They are almost in the same situation. They all know that in order for their own people to get more surface ships, they must unite.

And just like that, something like the Fujian Navy, Thunderbolt, and the like appeared.

So this time, after Chen Shaokuan finished speaking, all the captains did not speak, you look at me, I look at you.

Chapter 241: Special Forces [[-]]

"Why don't you talk? You can speak out if you have any different opinions, but please remember that anything you say here today should not be said outside."

Chen Shaokuan saw that no one spoke in the crowd, and thought that some people had other thoughts, so his heart sank.

The Fujian Navy has always been very united, which is one of the reasons why the Fujian Navy can occupy an important position in the Nanjing Navy.

"Commander! Without you, our Fujian Navy would have fallen.

You are the current leader of our Fujian Navy, and we will all follow you.We will go wherever you say.

If you say go to Peking, we will go with you! "

After Chen Shaokuan's voice fell, the people below said immediately.

Chen Shaokuan has a high status in the Fujian navy.

First of all, he was originally from the Fujian Navy.

Secondly, the Fujian navy now occupies an important position in China, which is also inseparable from Chen Shaokuan.

Therefore, people in the Fujian navy are willing to follow Chen Shaokuan.

Instead of being loyal to the Nanjing government.

In fact, in one respect, this is not bad.

But from the perspective of national justice, this approach of the Fujian Navy will not work.

"Okay! Now that everyone has decided, let's go down and start secret preparations. The Beiping government has decided to send their main fleet and an army special force to meet us!"

Chen Shaokuan looked at the crowd and said in a low voice.

In fact, Chen Shaokuan just hoped that the Beiping government could send a navy to support it, even if it sent a few destroyers.

But I didn't expect the Peking government to send a telegram to send three super battleships, several heavy cruisers and some destroyers to support them, and also explained that a special force would sneak into Nanjing to cover their retreat.

Nanjing Railway Station, October [-], [-]

"Boss, we have already arrived in Nanjing, and I don't know if the other bosses have arrived."

It was a man in his mid-twenties who spoke with a strong northern accent.

There are four people here, and they are all members of the Pingyuan Army Night Wolf Special Brigade.

Among them, the one called the owner is Zhang Chen, the captain of the night raid special brigade.

Because this mission is very important and very threatening, to cover the smooth evacuation of Chen Shaokuan and other naval personnel in Nanjing City, so the captain of the Night Wolf Special Brigade also came here to carry out this mission.

"I don't know! But I guess they should be here soon!"

Zhang Chen stood there lazily with a cigarette in his mouth, as if he didn't care about anything.

In fact, this is to cover up the military atmosphere on him.

"Let's go! Let's go to the Xianghe Inn in the city, there are buyers waiting there!"

Zhang Chen said after looking around casually.

Xianghe Inn, a time-honored brand in Nanjing.

The ancestor of the boss opened an inn in Nanjing, which was still in the late Qing Dynasty.

After the establishment of the Republic of China, Nanjing changed hands several times, and the inn was forced to close because of the war and the owner had no money.

After being forced to close down, the owner of the shop returned to his hometown in Yangzhou with his wife and children, and started a small business with the last bit of money in his hands.

Later, the Pingyuan Army rose from Suiyuan and fought against other warlord forces in North China.

After repelling the little devils, the Pingyuan Army fought another war with the Nanjing government in the first half of this year.

Subsequently, the Nanjing government failed, and the area north of the Yangtze River was assigned to the Beiping government.

Then, the Pingyuan Army began to recruit soldiers. The son of the boss joined the Pingyuan Army because of the good treatment of the Pingyuan Army and various other reasons.

And the owner of this house also started to live a better life because of the various policies for benefiting the people and revitalizing industry and commerce launched by the Beiping government.

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