"Hey! I don't know what's going on. Qi'er suddenly fell ill a few days ago. I went to a doctor. He said it was a cold. After taking medicine for a few days, she still hasn't improved.

Instead, the coughing got worse, and I told him to go to the Beiping Police General Hospital tomorrow. "

Speaking of his third son, Zhang Xueliang was a little helpless.

"En! It's time to take a closer look." Han Ling nodded.

"By the way! Minghan, those six mechanized infantry divisions will have almost completed their training by the beginning of next spring. Are you going to go to the Siberian battlefield to test their power?"

Jiang Baili said as if he remembered something.

"Mechanized infantry division? No! There will be no major war in Siberia next year."

Han Ling shook his head and said.

"Won't a war break out?"

Both Jiang Baili and Zhang Hanqing stopped their chopsticks and looked at Han Ling suspiciously.Does the guy with the beard want Siberia?

"Hehe! Actually, it's nothing. Now our First and Third Plans have entered a critical period. In the spring of next year, our various industries will produce results.

The first phase of the development of the Hetao Great Plains is also coming to an end.As for the development of industry, this year's full-scale development has also achieved great success.

Now our steel output has reached [-] tons.Next year, the steel industry will enter a small outbreak period.

If there are no problems, it is estimated that in [-], our steel output will reach a level of five million tons or more.

And our economy is now due to the implementation of various policies that benefit the people.

People's lives have been greatly improved, and next year people will have money in their pockets.

Domestic demand will also begin to increase, and the economy will enter a leap forward.

In this case, we can properly stop large-scale wars with Soviet Russia, take the whole of China into our pocket, and develop the economy better and more comprehensively.

The next step can also realize what I said last time, and start the mechanized reorganization of the entire army. "

Han Ling said with a smile.

He has been organizing and planning these things.

So far, according to the current situation, he has initially formulated a series of plans.

"Minghan, you said to temporarily stop the war with Soviet Russia, will they agree?"

Jiang Baili was still puzzled by this question.

Jiang Baili didn't know what method Han Ling would use to solve this problem.


impossible!Jiang Baili knew Han Ling's character too well.

Asking him to ask the old man for peace is like saying that it is impossible for the bearded man to go to the United States to become a gynecologist.

"They agree? It's not a question of whether they will agree. We can still make a fuss about Siberia.

In the spring of next year, the heavy snowfall will stop in Siberia, and we will use our air superiority to continuously bomb their railways.

The Siberian Railway cannot be used. It is impossible for their hundreds of thousands of troops here to transport supplies from Europe thousands of kilometers away by car.

With poor logistical supplies, they can only stop the war themselves.Where do they need to agree? "

Han Ling pursed his lips and said.

The Type 29 heavy bomber has a range of 3500 kilometers.

The combat radius reaches more than 1700 kilometers.

If you load less bombs and add auxiliary fuel tanks, you can fly farther.

At that time, Lao Maozi's more than [-] kilometers of railways will be unusable, and it depends on how you transport logistics supplies.

"What if they were transported to the abandoned railway and loaded in cars?

And the range of our Type 29 heavy bomber is too far.

The Type 28 fighter jets equipped by our Air Force simply cannot fly so far.

The Type 28 fighter has a range of 2500 kilometers and a combat radius of more than 1200 kilometers.

It is impossible to carry out full escort at all!If the old man sends fighter planes to intercept and kill him on the way, there is nothing we can do! "

Jiang Baili frowned and said the question in his heart.

This question, obviously, Zhang Hanqing also expected.

Why were they able to bomb Lao Maozi's railway unscrupulously before?

Why was it possible to bomb the Soviet army unscrupulously?

It's not because all of this is within the combat radius of the Type 28 fighter jets, escorted by the Type 28 fighter jets.

The Soviet army simply could not compete with them for air supremacy.

"Hehe! Mr. Zhan Ning, don't worry! This is the next question I want to tell you.

In the next step, I plan to equip the Air Force with another fighter jet. Wait a minute and I will get you a document. "

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