"Oh! It's a pity."

Jiang Baili sighed.

"Okay! Now among our three special forces, Night Raider, Night Wolf, and Night Fox, Night Raider has actually fought once this time.

Overall the effect is not bad.The next step is to expand the Special Forces.

After that, the special forces will select each standing infantry division and garrison infantry division every year.

In the long run, the quantity and quality of our special forces will increase! "

Han Ling said with a smile.

"By the way! Mr. Zhan Ning, Han Qing! This time we are talking about the special brigade. Come with me tomorrow afternoon to welcome Chen Shaokuan and the special brigade!

The day after tomorrow, I will take you to the base of the special forces to see what death training is! "

Han Ling said with a smile.


The next afternoon, Han Ling and Jiang Baili arrived at Tianjin Airport by plane.

[-]:[-] pm

Han Ling, Zhang Hanqing, Jiang Baili, Huang Kelin and their group showed up at Tianjin Wharf on time.

At this time, the pier in Tianjin was crowded with people.

Many people gathered here.

What they want to see is not Chen Shaokuan.

It was a night attack on the special brigade.

This one created a legendary special forces unit.At the same time, they also want to know who the captain of the special brigade is.

Over the past period of time, newspapers have praised this special night attack force a lot, but no one knows who their commander is.

Exactly four o'clock in the afternoon.

A huge fleet appeared on the sea surface of Tianjin Wharf.

Three super battleships, three heavy cruisers, more than a dozen destroyers, nineteen frigates, and nineteen Beiping government gunboats appeared on the sea at the pier.

And in the middle of these fleets there was another fleet.

There was also a fleet of nineteen gunboats.

The ships of this gunboat fleet not only look old, but also are too small compared with battleships, heavy cruisers, and destroyers.

It's like the difference between a person and an ant.

Chapter 249: Inspection of Special Forces [[-]]


With the sound of whistles, this huge fleet docked.

As the hanging ladder was lowered, Shen Honglie, the deputy commander of the navy, stepped down the hanging ladder first.

And then came Chen Shaokuan who took refuge here.

Although Chen Shaokuan's aircraft carrier school is more advanced than Shen Honglie's giant ship cannon school in terms of actual naval construction concepts, it will also replace the giant ship cannon doctrine in the future.

But Chen Shaokuan is now an admiral who has defected after all.

He has not yet held any positions in the Beiping government navy.And the qualifications here are even worse than that of Shen Honglie.

Shen Honglie can also be said to be an old man who followed Han Ling.

It is natural to go ahead.

After walking down the hanging ladder, Chen Shaokuan deliberately lagged one step behind Shen Honglie.

As a person with rich experience, Chen Shaokuan certainly knows.

If he walks side by side with Shen Honglie now, he might offend the big boss of the Beiping government's navy.

Chen Shaokuan would not do such an unwise thing.

In fact, Shen Honglie didn't think about these things anymore.

If it was before, he would really care.

But now!

The time with Han Ling is not short.

Shen Honglie knew that Han Ling didn't like these things. What he valued was your ability, your affection for the navy, and your mind.

These are the main points of Han Ling's employment.

Now what Shen Honglie thinks about is to perform well.

Everyone in the Peking government now knows about it.

After taking Vladivostok, the next step is to build a fleet in Vladivostok.

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