No one knows how much of this massive wealth there is.

Han Ling guessed that if he took all this wealth for himself, the Beiping government's finances would become very rich immediately.

And if that money were invested in the planned railway project, it would speed up the construction of the railway greatly.

The next day, Han Ling summoned Fang Tu, Minister of the Secretary Department, in his office.

Now Fang Tu is Han Ling's secretary department head, although the secretary department is not in the establishment of the Beiping government, not even in the establishment of the military department.

But he is Han Ling's spokesperson in the government.

Regardless of whether it is industrial reports, agricultural reports, economic reports or other reports, they must go through the Secretary Department.

It can be said that although the secretarial department claims to be the secretarial department.

But the Peiping government regarded the secretariat as the cabinet.

And Fang Tu is obviously the auxiliary minister of the cabinet.

Today's Fang Tu, although every day is exhausted to death.

But he was still full of energy.

Since following Han Ling, his ability has been affirmed by Han Ling.

And his loyalty made Han Ling start to reuse him.

And his social status is also increasing day by day, although he is a little tired, but he doesn't care.

I work hard every day, as if I want to make up for the wasted time.

"Zi Jin, I heard that you are very tired all the time! This is not okay, we have to work, but we also have to rest.

Reasonable arrangement of time is the long-term way!

You are now the head of the secretary department, and you are Han Ling's eyes and ears in the government, and you are my eyes.

You can't collapse! "

Han Ling looked at Fang Tu and said seriously.

This is true, Fang Tu's ability is very good.Compared with other social elites of this era, he is not bad at all.

Even worse than that in some respects.

After all, Fang Tu not only returned from studying abroad, but also has real talents and learning in his belly.

The key is that his youth and his experiences in youth gave him a lot more experience than others.

"Hehe! Commander! Don't worry! I'm in good spirits. I wasted too much time before, and now I have to make up for it!"

Fang Tu said indifferently, he is not afraid of being tired, on the contrary, he hopes to witness the birth of a miracle.

He still has ambitions and ideals in his chest.

Now he can be said to be an extremely human minister, and his ambition is to fight for the rise of China.

Just like what Han Ling told him back then.

"A person, you can be ambitious, you can be cruel, you can be shameless, and even you can be tyrannical.

But all of this is based on the fact that you have to treat your own people with care and aim to build a new China.Otherwise, no matter how talented you are, you are nothing but a pile of rubbish! "

"Okay! It's up to you! But if I hear the news that you fell ill because of government affairs, I will remove your position as the head of the secretary department!"

Han Ling smiled helplessly.

Fang Tu, who returned from studying in the United States, has a pragmatic spirit, which Han Ling appreciates very much.

"I know! I'll pay attention."

Hearing Han Ling's order, Fang Tu could only smile helplessly.

"I won't say much else, the body is your own. I came to you today for business.

Immediately after you go down, make detailed statistics on the Manchu Qing elders in our ruled area.

At the same time, estimate and count the wealth in their hands.

Remember, every old man of the Qing Dynasty must be counted, and no one can be missed.

In addition, their attitude towards our Beiping government should also be counted.

It is now November, and there are still more than three months before the Lantern Festival.

I will give you a time limit, you must hand over these detailed data to me before March [-], [-], which is before the Lantern Festival this year! "

"Yes! I see."

Fang Tu didn't ask anything, but he guessed something in his heart.

He, the head of the secretarial department, is naturally paying attention to the little devil's affairs.

He also knows some things about Yuren and Puyi over there. Now that Han Ling is doing this, he is going to attack the old man of the Qing Dynasty!

To be honest, Fang Tu has been in charge of the secretarial department for so long.

He also doesn't know how much wealth the Manchu veterans have in their hands.

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