But this is not the most interesting thing. What's more interesting is that there is a special case in this special list.

He is Puyi's father - Zaifeng.

Until now, Zaifeng, the regent in the late Qing Dynasty, still lived in Lushun and had never moved.

Some newspapers began to speculate why their commander-in-chief would allow the regent of the late Qing Dynasty to change his name.

"Haha! Commander! This should be your plan!"

At Han Ling's home, Jiang Baili and Zhang Hanqing came together today, uninvited.

"What is a scheme? I think that Zaifeng is very knowledgeable about current affairs. Since the establishment of our Beiping government, he has been very cooperative, and I have specially investigated it. In the dark, he has no contact with the little devil! "

Han Ling pursed his lips. To be honest, this was really one of his tricks.

First of all, among the Manchus, Zaifeng had a high prestige.

If Zaifeng is aware of current affairs, he can change his name in time to drive those Manchus along.

At that time, I can leave him a way out.

Secondly, and very importantly, Zaifeng is Puyi's father.

Han Ling wants to see how he handles this matter. It would be even better if Zaifeng could fight Puyi.

The first step in dividing the Manchus by oneself has been achieved.

Next!That's easy.

Erase this nation from the world, and kill all those who do not change their names.

Of course, there are a group of people who must be killed here.

For example, those Manchu elders and Manchus with a lot of wealth in their hands.

These people are attached to the Han people and have been vampires for more than two hundred years, almost three hundred years.

Now want to enjoy life with these wealth, is it possible?

"Master! Don't fool us, we are not stupid! But seriously, isn't it too obvious for you to do this? It would be bad if it aroused the disgust of those literati!"

Zhang Hanqing first looked at Han Ling and smiled, then frowned and said.

What annoys Zhang Hanqing the most is that those literati are always chattering, pretending that I am a gentleman and a savior.

"Come on! It's disgusting? I've been distributing this document for two days. Have you seen any newspaper stand up and criticize it?"

Han Ling asked with a sneer.

When Han Ling said this, Jiang Baili and Zhang Hanqing looked at each other, only then did they realize that there really didn't seem to be any newspapers to criticize.

"You guys! I still don't understand. What I have done, in essence, is dictatorship, domineering, and tyrannical.

But I'm targeting Manchurians.

Some time ago, our newspapers mistook Yangzhou Ten Days, Jiading Three Massacres, and the slogan of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, "Keep your head but not your hair, keep your hair but not your head".

The main target group is the scholars in the late Ming Dynasty.

As both Han people and literati, do you think those newspapers would stand up and criticize under such circumstances?

Now they can't tell where to applaud.

Moreover, they did not have much sense of identity with the Manchu Qing government.

It was these literati who first initiated the revolution and wanted to overthrow the Manchu Qing government.

Don't underestimate these literati, the editor-in-chiefs of those newspapers.They are not easy! "

Han Ling explained with a smile.Indeed, not everyone can be the editor-in-chief of a newspaper in this era.

It's not like the later generations, all of them with corrupt belly, all they think about all day is to dig up news about so-called celebrities and public figures.

That is to say, the so-called situation where no one kneels in front of the general's grave and the actor broke the news is known to the world.

But in this era, anyone who can be the editor-in-chief of a newspaper is a master in the literary world.

There are also some figures who are more like literary masters.

"Hehe! Of course we know this. But what should we do now? The whole country has already been arguing about this matter. Some people say that Man Qing should be cleared. Others want to clear Man Qing's old accounts.

A few days ago, a person surnamed Zhu jumped out and said that he wanted to avenge his ancestors, and wanted to kill all the Qing royal family.In the end, that person actually came to find our Beiping government, saying that our Beiping government had said at the beginning that the Zhu Ming royal family could get the Forbidden City, and there was still [-] million oceans in money every year. "

When Jiang Baili said this, an uncontrollable smile broke out on his face.

"Haha! Commander! Do you know what the ancestors of that Zhu man did?"


Han Ling wasn't interested in dealing with this kind of nonsense about sesame and mung beans, but after hearing what Jiang Baili said, he wanted to know.

"The ancestors of his family were tomb robbers! I don't know how to get the seal of a prince of the Ming Dynasty, and he claims to be a descendant of Zhu Ming!"

Han Ling also felt that he was talking nonsense.This man is really funny.

"Come on! Can you two calm down for a while? You are still talking about business!" Zhang Hanqing, who was next to him, looked at the two of them and said.

"En! Commander! Speaking of business, what do you plan to do next?"

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