"However, in the list issued by the Beijing government, many of us have been restricted. Some of us are on the list that will not be renamed! Some people are even regarded by the Beijing government as the executioners of the sons and daughters of China, claiming that they must be killed! "

After Zai Zhen finished speaking, he looked at Zai Feng with some hope, and he hoped that Zai Feng could come up with a solution.

And Zaifeng didn't go out because of this period of time.

Close to some newspapers and other things, I don't know very clearly.

Now hearing what Zai Zhen said, Zai Feng couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"Ouch! Prince Chun! What are you doing here, old man?"

"Stop making noise! ​​Let me think about it!"

Zai Feng stared at Zai Zhen and said.

Once Zai Feng got angry, Zai Zhen calmed down.

"Those who must be killed on the list, hand over all their property and don't keep a cent.

All jewelry, calligraphy and paintings, and valuables at home should also be handed in, and none of them should be kept! "

Zaifeng, who had been thinking for a while, looked up at Zai Zhen and said.

"Hand in all? Don't keep a single point?"

Zai Zhen swallowed his saliva, those people on the list can't keep any property?

"That's right! If you want to survive, don't keep a single point!" Zaifeng looked at Zaizhen and said firmly.

"Okay! I'll go back and tell them!"

Zai Zhen thought about it, but still felt that Zai Feng's words made sense. ,

After hearing what Zaifeng said just now, he also understood something.

The Beijing government is eyeing themselves and others.

What's a pity is that I and others still foolishly ran into it and handed over the excuse to the government.

Originally thought that this would allow them to occupy a piece of land and restore it.

At least Puyi can continue to live in the Forbidden City, and they can get money every year, and no matter how bad they are, they can continue to show off their power.

It's just that I didn't expect that it seems that the situation is not the same now.

Just like what Zaifeng said.

If the people in power are eyeing something in your hands, and the interests of this thing are astonishingly large, no matter how many people you have, he can solve it.

After Zai Zhen came out from Zai Feng's place, he began to tell the words of Zai Feng to the elders of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

And this news immediately exploded.

It can be said that almost all the elders of the Manchu Qing Dynasty did not agree to transfer the wealth in their hands.

At the same time, he did not believe Zaifeng's news that the government was going to take action against them.

They didn't believe that the North Korean government dared to kill them like this.

And they thought that there was a little devil behind them, so they started to show off their power one by one, and ignored Zaifeng's words.

Xiyuan, Government Building, inside the office

"Marshal! This is a request signed by a total of [-] people from Tianjin, Fengtian, Lushun, and the old man of the Qing Dynasty! They asked the government to abide by the [-] Revolution's treaty of the Manchu royal family and allow Puyi to continue to reside in the Forbidden City. In addition, they Ask our government not to confiscate all their property, but to ensure the safety of their property. Otherwise, the little devil will not let us go!"

Fang Tu handed over a very long piece of cloth to Han Ling.

"Someone come and open it!"

Han Ling said with a blank face.

Fang Tu quickly called several people to open the cloth.

This is a cloth three meters wide and eight or nine meters long.

In the upper right corner is a paragraph of text, which is the request made by the elders of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

In other places, including the back, are names of people.

All Manchu names.

This cloth is unfolded.

Han Ling got up from his seat, walked slowly to the front of the cloth, and slowly looked at the names on it.

Each character is written very small, and the names are also very compact.

"Master! This is just one, there are several more out there, do you want to see it?"

Fang Tu hurriedly asked after seeing Han Ling finished reading.

At this time, Han Ling didn't have the slightest expression on his face.It seems that I don't have the slightest feeling for these names.

"Bring them all in!"


After a while, someone walked in with a stack of neatly folded cloth.

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