But the area in charge of the garrison has already begun to kill.

While they were drinking, they kept firing bullets.

Countless bullets shot into the crowd.

Countless Manchu elders opened their eyes wide and fell to the ground.

They never imagined that the Pingyuan Army would dare to shoot and kill them.

Only Han Ling, who was standing on the top of the city gate, looked down with a sneer.

Han Ling didn't even think about letting them go, nor did he think about letting them survive.

The reason is very simple. Those who can come to participate in the parade are quite prestigious among the Manchu elders, and they can be regarded as the mainstay of the Manchu people.

How could Han Ling let such people go?

It was they who delivered the butcher knife to Han Ling, no wonder others.

Chapter 261 : Hero or Butcher?

"Da da da"

The resounding general-purpose machine gun is still ringing.

Countless Manchu elders fell to the ground.

Their eyes were wide open, and there seemed to be nostalgia and unwillingness for this world in their eyes.

Unwilling!Unwilling to be killed like this.

But all of this was caused by themselves, who can be blamed?

The sky began to snow again, and the fluttering snowflakes began to fall on the ground.

At this moment, the ground was already stained red with blood.

A lot of blood flowed out from the bodies of the old man of the Qing Dynasty and flowed onto the ground.

The killing continues.

Numerous Manchu elders fell to the ground and became corpses.

Han Ling stood on the top of the city gate and watched the killing below, without the slightest expression on his face.

Stretch out your palm and watch a few snowflakes melt in your hands.

"Maybe this is my change! I don't know when, my former editor has transformed into a decisive leader of a country. In my eyes, life has begun to become cheap!"

Looking at the melting snowflakes, Han Ling was thinking slowly.

Unknowingly, looking at this situation, Han Ling suddenly thought of that poem in his heart.

"The scenery of the northern country is frozen for thousands of miles, and snow drifts for thousands of miles.

Looking at the inside and outside of the Great Wall, there is nothing but mangmang;

The mountain dance silver snake, the original Chi wax figure, wants to compare with Tiangong test.

On sunny days, look at the red dress, which is extremely enchanting.

There are so many splendid rivers and mountains, which has attracted countless heroes.

Pity Qin Huang Han Wu, slightly lost literary talent; Tang Zong Song Zu, slightly less coquettish.

Genghis Khan, a generation of Tianjiao, only knew how to bow and shoot big eagles.

All are gone, a few romantic figures, but also look at the present. "

"Master! Did you do this?"

Jiang Baili, who was stunned by the Yangtze River below, suddenly heard a poem read from Han Ling's mouth next to him, and asked in some surprise.

Afterwards, he felt a little abrupt, and he could hear the domineering aura from this poem.

If it wasn't for Han Ling's work, I'm afraid it would have been known to the north and south of the river.

"Master, I"

"Hehe! It's okay! Mr. Zhan Ning, do you think I'm too cruel?"

Han Ling took two steps forward, approached the city wall, and asked, pointing to the screaming Manchu elder below.

"Master! I don't know if we did something wrong!"

Jiang Baili hesitated and said.

"Hehe! It doesn't matter! But what I want to say today is that even if I make a mistake, I will never regret it.

But in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with this.

Since three hundred years ago, they have started massacring and killing me, Han Jiaerlang.

Four times of customs clearance, entering the Central Plains and driving straight in, how many Han family sons were killed?

How many Han family sons died because of their ancestors.

And how many children waiting to be fed died under their hands.

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