And now our military factories, because of the lack of enough skilled workers and technicians, the productivity has not been able to increase significantly! "

Chapter 264: New Year's greetings [[-]]

"There's nothing we can do about it. Our foundation is too shallow. It's okay for junior officers. We don't lack junior officers.

But we are too short of senior officers.

The students of the North China Military Strategic Command Academy were all students before, and they all passed the exam.

After graduating from it, because of lack of experience, you have to start from the lower levels, and it takes time, and it is not possible to train a senior officer in two or three years.

As for the students who graduated from the Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy, although they were all officers in the army before, compared with the students of the North China Military Strategic Command Academy, they can be said to be experienced.But after they graduate, it is impossible to suddenly promote them to the top, but they need less time than the students of the Strategic Military Command Academy.

And our ruling area is also expanding too fast, and the troops have to be expanded. ;

It is precisely because of these various reasons that our army is in urgent need of senior officers. "

After Jiang Baili finished speaking, Han Ling nodded again.

Regarding this point, Han Ling also had no choice.

Many times, the development of things is beyond his expectation.

The Beiping government's rule area is constantly expanding, and the previous forty standing divisions are definitely not enough.

Therefore, we can only expand the army and increase the number of standing divisions to one hundred, so that we can deal with emergencies.

But even a hundred standing teachers are not enough!

If it is spread on such a large piece of land, a hundred infantry divisions will not have a few bubbles.

Under such circumstances, Han Ling could only expand his troops again.

It's just that in order to reduce financial consumption, Han Ling expanded the security division.

Let the security division be the main force to guard the place, and free up the troops of the standing division.

And the sequelae of expanding the troops in this way came out, and there was a sharp shortage of senior officers.

The talent training base is quick to train middle and low-level officers, but it is slow to train high-level officers.

Throughout the country, there are one hundred standing infantry divisions, in addition to various heavy artillery divisions, tank divisions, air force divisions, bombing captains, and so on.

So senior officers are simply not enough.

"That's right! Our development is too fast. This is only a problem with the army. There are more problems with the navy and air force. There are also a lot of missing personnel.

Some time ago, Chen Shaokuan sent a telegram saying that their construction in Vladivostok was not going well, and the reason was the lack of talents in their hands.

We are afraid that we will have to calm down and develop steadily for a period of time.

I always feel a little frightened by the leaping development all the time! "

Jiang Baili rubbed his forehead and said.

"En! It is necessary to develop steadily. In the past year, literacy classes in our ruling area have been established in the township.

Next year we will strive to build literacy classes into villages.

Strive for every village to have at least one literacy class.

Then set up primary schools in every township or town, so that those children can go to school.

Not to mention that each of them is admitted to university, but at least we must ensure that they must have completed elementary school and have a certain cultural foundation, which is very beneficial to our next development.

In addition, I have also decided to set up a special fund starting next year.

For those students who are talented in learning and willing to study hard, provide financial aid for further study.

As long as they have potential, our government is responsible for cultivating them, allowing them to go to middle school after primary school, and college after secondary school.Let them become the talents of our country, instead of wasting them in vain because of funding problems! "

Han Ling was talking while Jiang Baili and Zhang Hanqing were listening.They sensed that Han Ling had already thought about these things.

It's just that because of the current situation, it has not been said.

What matters most in the [-]st century?

Of course it is talent!

In the early [-]s, talent was still important.

Even more important than the [-]st century.

Han Ling has many plans in mind, such as the complete rise of industry, the rapid development of the country's economy, military, and agriculture.

It even includes the urbanization construction in various parts of China.

However, all of these require the support of talents. If you don’t have talents, you want to develop the economy, but there is no way!

If you want to develop the military, there is no way.

As for your desire to vigorously develop agriculture and industry, without talents, that is a fantasy.

This is also the reason why Han Ling has been vigorously supporting education and allocating money to education for the past year.

How can the people rise without a good education?

"By the way! Minghan, some time ago, the little devil has been jumping up and down about the old man of the Qing Dynasty. Now he is even entangled in other countries to jointly support the Nanjing government. What do you think about this matter? You have not said it in the past two days .”

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