In the past, they relied on their own national strength, did not put down in their eyes, and wantedonly bullied and bullied Huaxia.And now, their retribution has come.

The incendiary bomb after the heavy aerial bomb, all of which made them fall into hell in an instant.

But that's not all.

Han Ling would not just let them go.

How many people did they die?

How many people died in Huaxia during the years of being bullied?

So the third batch of bombing came again.

The third batch, the heavy bombing brigade that dropped gas bombs on Nagasaki came.

They came with three hundred tons of poisonous gas.

Amidst the roar of heavy engines, the heavy bomber began to lower its altitude.

Looking at Nagasaki, which was still in flames below, the pilots on the heavy bomber showed no expression.

Under the escort of the escort formation, gas bombs were dropped one after another.

When the heavy bombers dropped the gas bombs, the fighter planes of the little devil HNA rose again.

This time they took off very quickly, and within two minutes of dropping the gas bombs on this side, they took off on that side.

The escorting air regiment immediately went up to meet them, and a crushing air battle broke out between the two sides in the air.

One after another, the little devil's HNA fighter planes kept falling into the air. Even falling into the air became a luxury for many of the little devil's fighter planes, because they were directly blown up by the volley.

The gas bomb dropped by the heavy bomber immediately made a chirping sound after it hit the ground.

Then a burst of white smoke began to spread rapidly.

However, the tendency of these white smoke spreads is different from that of regular smoke spreads.

Because there is some white smoke inside, he actually sinks continuously to the ground, and does not float upward like real smoke.

Actually this is normal.

These white smog are said to be smog, or more accurately, they should be said to be that kind of biological virus.

They have their own consciousness and their own ability to act.

Each jump is about thirty centimeters.

Although Nagasaki is still in flames.

But they can withstand high temperatures of up to [-] degrees.

In addition, it is winter now, as long as they are not in the core of the sea of ​​fire, or some special burning objects, they will not be burned to death.

These biological viruses began to look for hosts in Nagasaki.

And they're looking for a host.It is human.

Or living humans.

Some little devils who desperately escaped from the sea of ​​fire, but were still burned and injured could only lie powerlessly on the ground, waiting for their own government to rescue them.

And such a person immediately became the target of many biological viruses.

They formed wisps of white smoke, sticking to the ground and jumping towards these people.

Many little devils saw a wisp of white smoke attacking them, and then entered their bodies from their eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and even wounds.

This made them very frightened, not knowing what it was.

But when the white smoke entered, the little devil found that there seemed to be no problem!

So I didn't care anymore.

And there are some uninjured people, sitting there on the edge of Nagasaki's urban area, waiting for the rescue force to rescue their relatives.

At this moment, they saw wisps of white smoke approaching them.

These white smoke all spread close to the ground.

And they're not slow, and they don't have the slightest shape.

Surround yourself from all directions.

Under his frightened eyes, these biological viruses quickly entered his body.

Then he felt his body, and after finding nothing unusual, he breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to wait for the rescue team to rescue his relatives from the sea of ​​fire.

The large-scale bombing incident in Nagasaki shocked the whole kid.

At this time, the little devil's prime minister was Inuyang Takeshi, who had just taken office for two months. After receiving the bombing of Nagasaki, Inuyang Takeshi immediately felt that something was wrong this time.

Immediately he asked the government to do its best to rescue the affected people.

Then he took the guards to the palace and told Yu Ren about it.

At this time, Hirohito actually knew about the bombing of Nagasaki.

Because this is what the Navy Department in the military department told him.

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