
Xianyuan Gong Zairen and Uehara Yusaku exclaimed at the same time.

"Well? Why?"

Xianyuan Gong Zairen objected, and Yuren figured it out.But Yusaku Uehara, who has always supported the war, also opposed it, which confused Hirohito.

"Could this old guy be confused?"

Hirohito looked at Yusaku Uehara and thought.

"Your Majesty! The finances are difficult now! The army's loss last time has not been made up to now. The army's equipment has no funds to upgrade at all. The weapon configuration of each unit has not increased.

Now that the Beiping government is getting stronger and stronger, we can't win like this, and we will only lose our troops and weapons in vain! "

Yusaku Uehara was the first to speak out this time.

In fact, Yusaku Uehara was also very helpless, and it could even be said that he was aggrieved to death.

Originally, he was a person who supported the war, otherwise how did he come to be a marshal?

Of those marshals of the little devil, which one didn't support the war?

The reason why Yusaku Uehara wanted to oppose it was because so far.

The army's last loss has not been fully replenished.

The configuration of weapons and equipment of the troops has not increased, and as for the replacement, there is no more.

He would not agree to launch a war until Yusaku Uehara hadn't made up for the last loss.

It is very difficult to maintain the army's military expenditure now. If a war is launched again, the army will be poor.

So this time, Yusaku Uehara had to stand up and object.

"Finance! It's this damn finance again! Every time you tell me about financial problems! Financial problems! Why doesn't the Beiping government have financial problems?

Others are still fighting with Soviet Russia.

Once it comes to us, it is a financial problem.

waste!big eater! "

The more Hirohito talked, the more angry he became, and in the end he didn't know who he was scolding.

"Your Majesty! Because the Beiping government used to belong to an agricultural country, and their industrialization process has not yet reached a stage. But the degree is definitely not high. So I guess it is because of this that they have not been affected by the economic crisis in the United States. !"

At this time, Inuyang Yi hurriedly stood up and said that he didn't want to cause financial collapse because of launching a war.

Hirohito did not speak, and sat there silent.

"Okay! You all go down! I know! If you don't start a war!"

Hirohito said suddenly after sitting there thinking for a while.


Xianyuan Gong Zairen and they all left together.

When Inuyang Takeshi returned to the government, he quickly mobilized materials and manpower to rescue and deal with the aftermath of Nagasaki.

At the same time, get those injured into the hospital.

After all, in such a big bombing, many people died, and many people were injured.

When Inuyang Yi was nervously carrying out rescue work in Nagasaki, Han Ling had already walked into the military headquarters wearing a traditional Hanfu.

"Tsk tsk! Handsome! Don't tell me, you look really good in such a suit!"

Zhang Hanqing couldn't help laughing as he watched Han Ling walk in in a traditional white Hanfu.

"En! To be honest, I also feel good. Why didn't I realize that the Hanfu is very comfortable to wear before! I thought that the Hanfu was too wide and uncomfortable to wear. Only now do I know that it is quite comfortable."

In the previous life, Han Ling watched the actors in Hanfu in ancient TV dramas, and Han Ling thought that wearing Hanfu was uncomfortable.

But Han Ling didn't think about it. Hanfu has existed for thousands of years, and it is constantly improving and making progress.

It wasn't until the Qing Dynasty entered the customs that they replaced their backward things at the request of these wild boar-skinned guns.

Hanfu is good to wear.Otherwise, the children of China wouldn't have been able to wear them for thousands of years. Could it be that the ancients were all fools who didn't know whether to wear more comfortable clothes?

"Hehe! Of course, Hanfu can be worn in China for thousands of years, so there is something special about it.

But Marshal, if you rashly ask students to use Hanfu as school uniforms, aren't you afraid that those students will object? "

Jiang Baili asked with a smile.

"Against? Why do you object? If we want to revive Huaxia, we must first start with the spirit. And I plan to start with the clothes.

Use clothes as a starting point.Our own national characteristics should be preserved instead of blindly learning from the West.

How long has the western suit been born?How long has our Hanfu been born?Blindly learn what they do? "

Han Ling said angrily.

"Forget it! I don't bother with you. Now our bombing campaign is over.

Next, the little devil government is afraid that it will trouble us, and we will even accept the condemnation of the whole world, Commander, are you ready? "

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