About talent, or business talent.

The talent training base for clones has not yet been cultivated.

Because the flexibility needed for doing business is too great, it cannot be executed by a rigid clone.

If the cloned person goes and is sold by others, it is not necessarily necessary to count the money for others.

As for Zhang Hanqing's Zhang family, his family has a lot of property and recruits even more talents.

So Han Ling hired the business talents in his hands.

As for the sailing company

Qihang company itself is not enough, how could Han Ling transfer Qihang company?

"Mr. Zhan Ning, look! I told you that the commander-in-chief will have nothing good to do with us! I just recruited a few business talents a few years ago, but the commander-in-chief has targeted me!"

Zhang Hanqing smiled helplessly.

"Don't be so stingy, it's just a few talents! I'll just pay you back in the future! Besides, your old Zhang family has such a rich background, and there are still a few talents that are lacking!"

Han Ling waved his hand and said indifferently.

The corners of Zhang Hanqing's mouth twitched, not just a few talents!

This kind of talent with real talents has been recruited at a huge price.As a result, you will be deceived by a few words.

"That's right! I'll give you these talents, but this is my second sister's dowry, and there will be no dowry dresses in the future!"

Now Zhang Hanqing has a tendency to be an iron cock when facing Han Ling!

"Okay! Isn't it just a dowry! I still don't like it!"

"Puff! That's enough, Marshal! Hanqing, you two should talk less.

The commander-in-chief clearly decided to accept Han Qing.

If Hanqing doesn't give the dowry in the future, the face of his old Zhang family will be ruined.Others also said that the old Zhang family is so stingy that they are reluctant to give any dowry! "

Jiang Baili next to him laughed loudly.

Zhang Hanqing glanced at Jiang Baili speechlessly, and the old man said everything.

"Marshal! I'll give you the talent, but why are you looking for Mr. Zhan Ning?"

Zhang Hanqing also looked at Han Ling with a smile. He felt that Han Ling must have something to do with Mr. Zhan Ning!

"Those who know me, Hanqing too! That's right, I have a small matter for Mr. Zhan Ning and ask him to help!"

"What are you doing?"

Jiang Baili looked at Han Ling warily.

As for the little things he said, he didn't believe it was a small thing if he killed Jiang Baili. If it was a small thing, he wouldn't look for him.

"That's right! You've also read the plan. Here, I need business talents, as well as home-grown devils. After all, I need several leading parties and spokespersons!

Mr. Zhan Ning, didn't you know a lot of people when you were studying abroad in the little devil?Please write a few letters now, and I will let you send them. "

Han Ling looked at Jiang Baili and smiled.

"What? Write a letter?"

Jiang Baili's eyes widened. Those people he knew before had not been in touch for many years.

Now he suddenly asked himself to write a letter, and he still wanted to find a leading party!

"Marshal! I am the chief of staff of the Pingyuan Army, and they may have regarded me as an enemy a long time ago!"

Jiang Baili was very euphemistic, but Han Ling understood.

Jiang Baili was telling him that now everyone knew his identity and knew that standing behind him was the Beiping government.

I'm afraid those little devils will not agree!You can only change one way.

"Hehe! Mr. Zhan Ning, don't worry! The economy of the little devil is not good now, and there are unemployed people everywhere.

If you write a letter to those young devils, they are deeply harmed by the army, the country, the doctrine, and I am afraid that you will not agree.

But the people you knew at that time are all in their forties or fifties now.

They also have to support their families, and in these years, those things that are loyal to the emperor are no longer so crazy in their hearts.

If we give him money, there is no one who will not be tempted!As the saying goes, money can turn ghosts around! "

Han Ling smiled and analyzed it to Jiang Baili and Zhang Hanqing.

These are all things he thought about before, the little devil's army, country, sovereignty, and righteousness are really awesome!

Make those young men crazy enough to kill themselves without frowning.

But this is only for young people.

Those old guys in their [-]s and [-]s have long since become old fritters.

Years of hard work in society have long smoothed their edges and corners.

In addition, now is the time when the economic crisis is at its worst, as long as you give them money, they will be tempted.

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