But looking at his current expression, it seems that he doesn't feel a little bit.

"Do you feel pain?"

asked the nurse, frowning.

"It doesn't hurt! I don't seem to feel anything!"

The man was also a little puzzled. The day before yesterday, when the nurse changed his dressing, he still felt very painful.

It didn't hurt so much yesterday, and he thought it was a good rhythm at the time.

But who knows that today I feel nothing at all.If it's okay.

But looking at the blood-red wound, it's obviously not healed!

"No pain? No feeling? You wait here, I'll teach Dr. Jijing!"

After the nurse finished speaking, she hurried to call someone

After a while, a middle-aged man in a white coat and glasses walked in.

"It's him! There seem to be many small white spheres in his wound. I washed it several times, but it seems to be still deep in the wound! And his arm seems to have lost consciousness!"

The nurse pointed to the injured person.

Ji Jing didn't speak, walked up to the injured man and quickly grabbed his hand, looking carefully at the wound.

"Alcohol swabs!"

After a few seconds, stubborn well said.

Then a cotton swab was handed to stubborn well.

The stubborn well holding the cotton swab began to penetrate into the wound.

He looked at the injured person who still didn't react at all, and when he didn't even seem to frown, his brows began to frown.

"How long has he been here?"

Stubborn well turned around and asked.

"The people in this ward were all sent on the night of the [-]th! It has been almost four days now!"

This nurse was in charge of this ward, and these people were all sent at the same time, so she remembered it clearly.

"Four days? No! His wound looks like a burn on the surface, but in four days, even if it doesn't heal, it won't be like this! Look at his wound, it has been like this for four days, and it seems that it hasn't changed. !

Shimiko, immediately extract his blood and the white sphere from the wound and send it to the laboratory, and let me know when the test results come out! "


After Zhuo Jing gave his orders, he left in a hurry.

Because he was going to see if other burn patients were like this.

In one morning, Jujing checked more than one hundred people who were burnt in the Nagasaki bombing.

He found that more than a dozen of them had no feeling in their wounds, and completely lost consciousness.

There are more than [-] people outside, who are still conscious, but according to Jujing's judgment.

There was also a decrease in perception in these individuals, although it was not as pronounced.

And the remaining people, although they also have consciousness, but the consciousness is very little.

He took a cotton swab and pressed hard on the wound, but the injured person only frowned slightly.

Stubborn asked them if it hurt, and they said they just felt a little bit.

In the end, he actually asked stubborn well, is this better?

At this time, Ji Jing already felt that something was wrong.

He felt that there was some virus spreading here.

Then I went to check on other patients, to check on those who were not sent from Nagasaki.

It's still good to find these people.

This made stubborn well relieved, but then he reported the matter to the director of the hospital.

The dean also felt serious after hearing about the incident, and then checked all the patients sent from Nagasaki.

In the end, it was found that many of these people had lost consciousness in their wounds.

It's just that because they were injured somewhere, they generally didn't move much, so they didn't notice it.

And the rest is like the result of more than a hundred people who Juejing himself went to investigate.

Then they set up a special research team to conduct a thorough study on the conditions of these patients.

It's just that some things are beyond their control.

On the night of the [-]nd, a group of patients sent from Nagasaki suddenly felt unconscious around their wounds.

Because of the large area of ​​burns, many people seem to be unconscious all over their bodies.

And some people were unable to speak.

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