But our landing will become not so difficult.

And our soldiers will die less.

Overall, the pros outweigh the cons! "

"En! Order the troops to attack! Send a regiment of soldiers up first, try! There are too many people, even under the cover of thick fog, it is easy to be spotted."

Zhao Tiezhu took another deep breath and said.

After all, this was the first time he had commanded such a large-scale battle since joining the army.If Qian Dajun was not there to assist him, it would not be difficult for him to play around with the twenty infantry divisions and four heavy artillery divisions.

After all, it is an army of nearly [-].

After Zhao Tiezhu's order was issued, the landing craft and assault boats of any infantry regiment did not move.

Instead, those minesweepers began to wander the river.

Obviously, the Nanjing government's army is expected to guard against a large number of mines on the Yangtze River.

This requires those minesweepers to clear those mines.

With the busyness of countless minesweepers, a large number of mines were cleared from the river.

It was already seven o'clock at this time, and the sky was already bright.

But this time is also the time when the fog is thickest.

Visibility on the river does not exceed ten meters.

After the minesweepers finished their work, an infantry regiment of the [-]th Infantry Division began to sail towards the opposite bank of the river in landing craft and assault boats.

With the last landing craft being driven away.

The figure of this regiment gradually disappeared from everyone's eyes, and the only thing that could be heard was the roar of the engine.

However, as it got farther and farther away, the roar of the engine began to decrease.

"Send a report to the regiment of the [-]th Infantry Division and let them report everything to us at any time!"

Zhao Tiezhu returned to his headquarters, looked through the viewing port for a while, and then said to Qian Dajun beside him.

"Well! Don't worry! I've already asked the communication office to generate electricity. They will call us back at any time!"

In the following period of time, Zhao Tiezhu received a message from this regiment.

After a while, one-third of the river has been crossed.

Halfway across the river.

Two-thirds of the way across the river, the troops of the Nanjing government began to shoot at the water indiscriminately because they heard the roar of the engine.

But the effect was not great. Although the effect was not great, Zhao Tiezhu's palms were sweating.

This is, after all, a tentative attack.

I want to see if I can land. If I can't land, occupy a fulcrum on the other side of the river, and then I have to attack.

Cover bombing with air force and artillery, that's all.

In such foggy weather, it is really difficult to achieve precise bombing.

At this time, the [-]th Infantry Division and the First Regiment, which was sent out to fight the vanguard, were already very close to the other side of the river.

And the bullets became denser and denser.

"All personnel are ready, we are almost close to the river bank! Once we are close to the river bank, immediately suppress the enemy with firepower! Our task is not to attack, but to hold the river bank position and wait for the rear support troops to arrive!"


The commander's order was quickly conveyed to the various companies below by the correspondent.




The closer to the river bank, the denser the bullets of the Central Army of the Nanjing Government became, and from time to time a mortar shell would fall.

Some unlucky ones were also hit.

Although it is a bit of a blind cat and a mouse, this is war, and anything can happen.

Even in such a landing battle, there will still be casualties.

It's not that there wouldn't be casualties under the cover of fog.

The bullets were dense, but the regiment leader was still calmly waiting for the opportunity to fight back.

Now they must not shoot.

Because the central army of the Nanjing government is now shooting, only the roar of the engine is heard, so many roars, plus it is not sharp.

Therefore, it is difficult for the Central Army of the Nanjing government to determine their specific positions.

But once a shot is fired, the moment the bullet pops out of the muzzle, there will be a little bit of flame, and the sharpness of the gunshot will completely reveal their position.

So the head of the regiment did not give the order to shoot, and he also knew that these soldiers of the Central Army were just shooting indiscriminately.

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